9/11 Ten years later what is your feeling about

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9/11 Ten years later what is your feeling about

Post by madfucker »

Master, I know it's a bit far from porno but what is your point of view concerning the 2001/9/11/ attacks? You believe it or not? Yesterday I see a report in my home in Ukrain and I was near to cry listening some of the stories those people told on camera.
It was huge impact on my heart

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Re: 9/11 Ten years later what is your feeling about


Don't you have a better subject for me ? I prefer when you speak about big breast !!!
I already spoke about it and I told I don't believe the story of the american autorities !
I have some proof about it and in my book I will tell it !!!
It's even surprising me that after 10 years all become so flat around it, that the voice of the people telling it's a long plan who has cost the life of 2700 persons, is shut down now ! Why ? I don't know but seems today everyone agree it's the truth what they said !
OK ! I'm just sad to know I will be dead when the truth will come up ...


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Re: 9/11 Ten years later what is your feeling about

Post by rafale »

I have to disagree. I have heard and read many conspiracy theories. But the reality is plain. Al Qaeda took credit for this, and it was their mark. If you see some of their work in North Africa, you will understand better.

When I spend time in Algeria, there are beautiful and secluded places along the Mediterranean we cannot stop because it's too dangerous. The woods are infested with them. They love to control through fear. I hate this, it's why I dress in regular western clothing when I go - even in the Kabyle region where Al Qaeda keeps a strong presence. I prefer they kill me than to change how I will live.

This attack on 9/11 bears their mark. They hoped to scare us into an economic depression, but they did not succeed. Because we are not like the Algerians and cannot be frightened. We are resilient and independent-minded and strong.

On a side note... you know the women in Algeria are opposite of the Western world. Easy for her to have anal sex with her boyfriend, but she will not have vaginal until marriage
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Re: 9/11 Ten years later what is your feeling about


I don't know how old you are but anyway I don't have to explain you that a signature can be imitate !!!
All what happen actually in the world is a plan managed by "some people" but not who it seems to be !!!
Believe it or not but it's sadly the truth ! I have someone that I know very well who was somewhere from 6 to 14 sept 2001 with some of the most important people on earth and from the 10 at noon the TV was open non-stop all days and night no one went to sleep and everyone of them was watching CNN ( that they normaly never watch ! ) and waiting until 2.45 pm ( 8.45 in NY ) and when the first plane banged the tower they have open champagne !!! They was waiting this since 24 h ... and trust me it's obvious that a 420 m tower can't fall down in 9 secondes perfectly straight but 2 exactly the same time and the same straight !!! Who can believe this ???? 300 millions of americans + few milliards of humans ??? Yes because it easy to do like that but why Bush has wait 7 minutes to react ??? Where are the part of the plane in Pentagone, why with hundred of camera around there is no one film to show it clearly when the few amator in the NY street can do better about the World Trade ???
I could continued for long time, speaking about the 3 milliard of dollars that the honors of the towers got after it falls, speaking about the disparitions of tower not concerning by any plane crash but where the tax autorities have a 70 Millions $ story to put on the table with the best friend of Bush, that only 60 % of the people dead that day have been found but on middle of hundred of millions of tons of beton the passport of Mohamed Atta was not even damaged, and so many other things !
Just for joke even if there is no reason to, the investigation budget for the WTC attack has been 660 000 $ but the Monica gate with Bill Clinton 25 millions !!!
Just that should make americans opening their eyes a bit more !!!
And now Bin Laden is dead ? Cool, no body to show and a millionnaire who was watching porn on a 20 years old TV and who was always filmed front face before and now just from behind and who forgot to do during 10 years what ALL THE LEADERS of any terrorist group does ALWAYS till they are alive : NON STOP PROPAGANDE !!!
Look Kadhafi right now what he does, he is pushing people to fight ! he does it every day and will continued until he dies !!! But Bin Laden gives three messages in 10 years ! Why ??? he has all in hand theoriticaly to push his partisans every weeks at least to do something bad ! But he did not ! Why ??? Try to think a bit ...
It has taken almost 50 years to found out Kennedy was killed by two mens at 10 meters from the cars, and myself when I was in army I was a very good one to shoot from 600 m with material much better than in 1963 but when once I told to one of my superior " it seems impossible someone from so far on a car moving can do it " he just put his hand on my shoulder and said " yes you're right, impossible but no one american will never know that !!!" Finaly now it's started to become official but it has took half century !
I hope Mr Bush can sleep good every night thinking the sacrifice of 6000 americans ( the attack + the war ) was a neccessity for the history ! It's true he is from Texas and loves the petrol smelt ...

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Re: 9/11 Ten years later what is your feeling about

Post by rafale »

I am old enough to know not to easily believe this second hand story. I am sorry, I mean it as no disrespect. If you can offer some better proof, I am listening. I function on tangible information, however.

I am sure you trust this information 100%, and have no intent to mislead, but I have been on many sides of this also, and I am not easily swayed.
Anyone can lie for any number of unfathomable reasons.

I will purchase your book just for this topic, I enjoy these theories but it’s a far cry from reality until I have some hard fact otherwise.
omnia vincit amor

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Re: 9/11 Ten years later what is your feeling about


The problem number one is the time ! When you read history you understand that the gouverment when they plannified something it can be on 10 or 20 years long ! it is that way they burn out the mind of those who can said something ...
Of course Al Quaida exist, of course many people suffers in part of the world of this but who has created this ? and WHO was those who have created this before to do Al Quaida ??? They was working for the CIA against the Russians and " officialy" later turn the back to USA and fight against them !
To come back again to Kennedy, he has agreed to crash a plane full of americans in order to justified the attack of Cuba !!! If his defense minister didn't fight with him about it and push to cancelled this project, I think Fidel Castro will have been the Bin Laden of the 60s ...
Today personnaly, I am 100% sure the story is the same, only the actors have changed !

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Re: 9/11 Ten years later what is your feeling about

Post by rafale »

I can react to every detail but I will not, just I have two thoughts for you...

1. You are well travelled. I am sure you know many Americans. You think it will take this for us to fight?? We are always the first in any engagement (until Obama but lets stay on track for now).

2. You think this is for oil? Look at the French and the deal they cut with Libya. Then they beg for our participation because, as usual, they are too weak to fight their own battle. What gain have we seen from this? You thing the oil prices are good here? I am considering the purchase of a camel for transportation.

Honestly, I mean nothing disrespectful, to but to each of your statements is an equal argument. There is no science.
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Re: 9/11 Ten years later what is your feeling about


Of course french and english went libarated the Lybia for interrest !!!
About the petrol USA has stollen, do you think they will make the price going down tomorrow ? Don't be naive the idea is not here, the idea is for the day the petroleum will become a problem to be found, then you'll see, america will be the last to suffer from that problem !
There is a triangle under Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran with the biggest petrol reserve on earth ! Iran was part of the plan too but USA did not imagine the war will be so complicate and they are in big troubles with Afghanistan now and Iraq too because they don't control the population has they expected ! So Iran will not be attaqued but still last year it was in mind !
Syria is one of the place who did the most of pain to american, building the best terrorist, giving help to the ennemies of USA , etc... but curiously never anyone fight with them ? Why ? try to guess ... who is their best client for petrol ?

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Re: 9/11 Ten years later what is your feeling about

Post by rafale »

I am very sorry, but I do not agree with these statements. Again, there is a lack of fact, and each point can be reputed - am sure you know. I am sure you had this same conversation with others as I have had. We will get as far with this as we would get in a religious debate, so, being a respectful woman, I will stop it here and not argue with a man.
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Re: 9/11 Ten years later what is your feeling about

Post by khalid »

men ayna anti??

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