9/11 Ten years later what is your feeling about

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The Spider
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Re: 9/11 Ten years later what is your feeling about


Humans will be always little ants controled by the system, we can't do nothing and nobody will never change it ...
So better to enjoy sex and forget the darkside of our world ...

“Nobody is jealous of the losers, only the winners attract the jealousy and hatred of idiots. That explains who my enemies are!”
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King of Celts
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Re: 9/11 Ten years later what is your feeling about

Post by King of Celts »

And try to make the closes one happy without interfering on other people happiness... a very basic yet powerful rule that everyone should learn in their bones as a kid. You do that, you make the world a better place. It's as simple as that.

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The Spider
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Re: 9/11 Ten years later what is your feeling about


Thank you !!!

“Nobody is jealous of the losers, only the winners attract the jealousy and hatred of idiots. That explains who my enemies are!”
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Re: 9/11 Ten years later what is your feeling about

Post by bowhard »

I looked at the first page... read a little and skipped to the end to make a post...

For all of you believers in the US Gov official version of events... You need to wake up and smell the cordite...

I am extremely well read and have been exhausted explaining why I believe that 9/11 like so many other world events are inside jobs... because some people are too conditioned to think out side the box I dont really give a shit anymore in trying to tell others what I think on the subject of 9/11 or any other events that were fabricated in order to create wars=money=resources etc etc...

For anyone out there that thinks for one minute that the official story is true then you haven't the faintest idea how this world works...

Firstly you will say... Ohh his second post and he is telling us truths about our own country... well the fact being since I was 8 years old I have thought outside the box... and the things I have seen unfold before me enshrined the reality of my theories... I am a realist... I also study the subject of Gov, Public Policy, Politics... its all a game!

I never worked a day in my life... I found other ways to make money... I dont need the 9-5... I have traveled half the world already... And no... my parents are not rich, I grew up in a housing estate in a poor area of Northern Ireland! :shock:

So get out there and read for yourself open your eyes... the 99% are on the rat race they have no time to think out side the box... so they turn the box in the living room on and vegetate and get saturated by bullshit that is made for the brains of the 9-5s!

Google 'Loose Change' if you want to know what really happened on 9/11. ;)

Or you can stay on here an argue about fictional characters in a puppet show... :roll: I don't care 8-)

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Re: 9/11 Ten years later what is your feeling about

Post by TheAnt »

Il est plus qu'évident que l'arabie saoudite a joué un role prépondreant dans les attentats ( pas étonnant d'ailleurs que ben laden et quasiment tous les terroristes dans les avions étaient saoudiens) et que des nombreuses personnes bien placées ou fortunées ont joué un role, ben laden, n'etait que "l'image" de l'organisateur, mais il y avait derrière pleins d'autres personnes qui ne seront jamais inquiétés car elles resteront dans l'ombre et comme c'est l'arabie saoudite, on ira pas les chercher par raison d'état comme pour ce pauvre jamal kashoggie, et des politiciens americains se sont sans doutes retrouvés a serrer la main de type qui avait des liens avec ses attentats, comme le fils de jamal avait du serrer celle de mbs.

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Re: 9/11 Ten years later what is your feeling about


Aujourd'hui il y a des videos partout sur le net qui expliquent en détail comment tout c'est passé et quoi qu'il arrive les gens qui disent le contraire de la version officielle sont des imbéciles pour la majorité bien pensante.
Donc OK la faute de la descente des tours en une dizaine de seconde serait à cause des rivets mal installés au bout des poutres ... trés bien je vais donc faire mon petit mouton d'élévage et dire que c'est comme ça et basta !!!

Tant pis pour l'avion entier qui a disparu en percutant le pentagone, la seule image avec des milliers de camera autour, les avions de chasse cloués au sol, le passport du terroriste retrouvé en moins de 24 sous 300 000 tonnes de ferrailles, et les dizaines de choses invraissemblables qu'on nous a servis sur cette histoire.
En 2024 il n'est pas bon d'aller à l'encontre des versions officielles sur un site public comme le mien.
Donc oui trés bien, je vais plutôt me consacrer au prochaine videos à mettre en ligne sur le site et Ben Laden est le vilain qui a depuis sa tombe organisé tout ça ... :lol: :lol: :lol:

“Nobody is jealous of the losers, only the winners attract the jealousy and hatred of idiots. That explains who my enemies are!”
I feel 2024 will be my best year ever !!!

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