Women are taking the power nowadays

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Re: Women are taking the power nowadays

Post by Jean »

Le récit sur Ricardo est frappant ! Tu lis ça, tu te dis Putain , le mec à déconné grave, il est descendu très très loin, dans sa descente aux enfers, même XXX (Stéphane Pacaud) sur LP , avait pris le temps de lui adresser un message de "compassion", face à sa souffrance d'avoir perdu Cayenne Klein, c'est dire !!!

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Re: Women are taking the power nowadays

Post by MVitaly5 »

Wed May 01, 2024 7:55 am
OK Vitaly it's easy to say but at the end of the day the lives of people are in danger sometimes only because the people in charge of the law are not able to react with intelligence !!!
It's valid in both cases when girls are victims and not considered has victims but also when a man is accused of harassment or rape etc and he did nothing ...
Look on Netflix the "Outreau case" and see what a shame for a nation the justice can be sometimes ...

Do you and I have any contradictions in this, I don't understand you?

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Re: Women are taking the power nowadays


No any contradiction just telling you it's not a simple thing to deal every day with the actual world !!!
même XXX (Stéphane Pacaud) sur LP , avait pris le temps de lui adresser un message de "compassion", face à sa souffrance d'avoir perdu Cayenne Klein, c'est dire !!!
Ah bon !!! Pas vu ou alors j'ai oublié mais Cayenne n'a jamais vraiment été avec Ricardo. Il l'a utilisé un temps pour son business puis elle a épousé Nicolas Guccione ( raison pour laquelle il a été sympa avec Ricardo à une période puis l'a laché aprés que ses 4000 $ soient partis en drogue et alcool !!!
Ensuite Nicolas a emmené Cayenne à New York ce qui est normal vu qu'elle était devenue sa femme ...

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Re: Women are taking the power nowadays

Post by MVitaly5 »

Wed May 01, 2024 10:52 am
No any contradiction just telling you it's not a simple thing to deal every day with the actual world !!!

Do you think that I am simplifying everything or just blabbering? I wasn't born yesterday either, and I can give you a hundred and more examples from real life....
It's not a question of "easy to say". It is not easy to talk about it, because many people are simply afraid to talk about it, because they are afraid to offend or anger some minorities, connected with artificially imposed false sense of tolerance and tolerance to various manifestations of freedom of others. I am not saying that these feelings are inappropriate in all cases, tolerance and tolerance to the behavior of others, sometimes appropriate and diplomatic, shows both the culture of upbringing and civility. But not when it; 1). Happens unilaterally, in which your rights, or the rights of most people are infringed. 2). Everything turns into a "theater of the absurd", against all logic and common sense. 3). The elementary laws of Nature are questioned or spat upon, and attempts to elevate man above certain limits of morality, behavior and freedom of his will.
Therefore, it is also necessary to talk about it, at least to show our attitude to everything that is happening. Because it is the amorphous and indifferent behavior of the majority of people for various reasons that gives an opportunity to various more passionate and active minorities to promote their ideas in society and the justice system, respectively.
And if we treat everything indifferently, thinking that we do not influence anything anyway, then the point is to whine and defend our rights when we ourselves will be affected by the consequences of all this....

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Re: Women are taking the power nowadays


You are making a very complicate statement Vitaly !!!
I am lost ...

“Nobody is jealous of the losers, only the winners attract the jealousy and hatred of idiots. That explains who my enemies are!”
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Re: Women are taking the power nowadays

Post by MVitaly5 »

Wed May 01, 2024 4:17 pm
You are making a very complicate statement Vitaly !!!
I am lost ...

In this thread, you and other participants discussed specific people you know and various situations that have arisen with them. And there was a discussion with different opinions.
I don't know these people, and I am not informed about the situations these people got into, so I don't consider myself entitled to discuss these people and analyze these situations.
But after reading all the comments, I have expressed my opinion in the form of a philosophical and conceptual justification, which is closely intertwined with modern real life. At least as I see it.
It is clear that it is not always correct to adjust real life to some clear rules and recommendations, but to know these recommendations and use them as basic principles, I think it can save a person from some problems.
You, in fact, were provoked and demanded from you to clearly define your position on this issue and to determine whose side, as a third party, you take, which forced you, in fact, to justify yourself and state your position in detail. You expressed it as neutral, which in my opinion is absolutely correct position in such issues. And you also explained why you have such a position on this situation as a third party.
I wrote about it in my post in the form of philosophical and conceptual justification of human behavior in some life situations, at least in my opinion.

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Re: Women are taking the power nowadays

Post by TON618 »

I'm going to give you a "philosophical" thought speaking as the father of two teenage daughters.

I thought this forum was a place to discuss porn, but I instead found a place where people are disrespectful of other members and now I find out that the owner (someone I up-to-now thought I respected) sympathises with diddlers ffs!!
There is no third person or remaining "neutral" in situations when you find out that your best friend abuses women and rapes children. You ditch them, fast, no questions.
I've spent some time today reading back about your relationship with this Belgian monster who incidentally has been to jail several times for raping children, so don't try to claim you didn't know about him, don't believe the stories or convictions etc.
That makes you in my book as sick as him and I'm amazed that nobody has told you that. Kids that are 15 years old are CHILDREN in any country, hell most of them are still kids at 21! Yet YOU condone the abuse of them by claiming to be a good supportive friend of one of these animals.

There is no excuse here, you've clearly stated what type of man you are by trying to cover for your "friend" who's now in JAIL AGAIN for abusing women and raping children. I hope the FBI look into this because I get the feeling this goes deeper.

Outta here.

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Re: Women are taking the power nowadays

Post by MVitaly5 »

TON618 wrote:
Wed May 01, 2024 7:31 pm
I'm going to give you a "philosophical" thought speaking as the father of two teenage daughters.

I thought this forum was a place to discuss porn, but I instead found a place where people are disrespectful of other members and now I find out that the owner (someone I up-to-now thought I respected) sympathises with diddlers ffs!!
There is no third person or remaining "neutral" in situations when you find out that your best friend abuses women and rapes children. You ditch them, fast, no questions.
Look, keep that hypocritical snot and emotion to yourself, okay?
Everyone here has daughters and no one approves of rapists and pedophiles!!!

I don't know the person in question and I don't know what he did! I was talking about these situations in general and any particular situation needs to be looked at individually.
I was simply saying that third parties do not always have the moral right to condemn or approve of someone, simply because they lack objective and truthful information to do so, and that their active intervention can only hurt.
It's just that there are a lot of blabbermouths around, like you, who think that they peeped through the keyhole when someone was raping or abusing someone. Again, I am not talking about the specific situation that is being discussed now, but about such situations in general.
No one can find anyone guilty until the court decides, and only the court can convict. And in your case, the court often passes biased and unjustified verdicts under the pressure of such "activists" as you.
You act here as a provocateur, in order to provoke a third person to make a biased choice in favor of some conflicting party!
And all your ostentatious, hypocritical indignation is nothing more than a provocative theatrical action to make an absolutely innocent person justify himself for the actions of others.

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Re: Women are taking the power nowadays

Post by TON618 »

What the fuck is that shit?
Here's the fact for you.
You say "No one can find anyone guilty until the court decides, and only the court can convict."
The guy has been TO JAIL for abusing women and RAPING CHILDREN. What part of that do you not understand????
He has been CONVICTED ALREADY SEVERAL TIMES How many times does he have to be found GUILTY before you and Pierre Woodman realize that he is a ABUSER and a CHILD RAPIST????

Yes, I am VERY emotional when it comes to ABUSING CHILDREN as should everybody. No questions, no defence, no exceptions.

I am not an "activist" I'm a father of two daughters. You aren't looking at anything "philosophically" you are trying to justify paedophilia and that's going to piss off a lot of people, especially ME!

The fact both you, Mr Woodman and god knows how many others on this forum find nothing wrong with this guy tells me and I'm sure anyone with half a brain that you have some pretty sick thoughts yourselves.

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Re: Women are taking the power nowadays


What the fuck is that shit?
Here's the fact for you.
You say "No one can find anyone guilty until the court decides, and only the court can convict."
The guy has been TO JAIL for abusing women and RAPING CHILDREN. What part of that do you not understand????
He has been CONVICTED ALREADY SEVERAL TIMES How many times does he have to be found GUILTY before you and Pierre Woodman realize that he is a ABUSER and a CHILD RAPIST????

Yes, I am VERY emotional when it comes to ABUSING CHILDREN as should everybody. No questions, no defence, no exceptions.

I am not an "activist" I'm a father of two daughters. You aren't looking at anything "philosophically" you are trying to justify paedophilia and that's going to piss off a lot of people, especially ME!

The fact both you, Mr Woodman and god knows how many others on this forum find nothing wrong with this guy tells me and I'm sure anyone with half a brain that you have some pretty sick thoughts yourselves.
I feel Ton618 is playing a strange game here ...
I went back to your 20 post here and yes obviously you are not a regular fan and you wanted people to hear you here !!!
Fine you did and say what you wanted too.
Aywone having read my long post on previous page can understand my position and usual behavior is not to burn on public place anyone having trouble with justice. Dennis never RAPE A CHILD !!! It's Tommie Mc Donald who says that but if Dennis had done that he will have got 10 to 15 years of jail !!!
My life experience has often showed me the true color of the light and now that "psychological rape" will be soon part of the Belgian justice I am not sure I'll continue to trust in it ...
I have 4 children Ton 618 so you don't have to tell me what means rise a little boy/girl until he is an adult and even once he is he still stay forever 'your baby" because I take it as a gift of the life until my death ...
So obviously I hate paedophile and anyone hurting kids but again a teenager nearly 16 years old who decide fuck with someone while the law agree with it like in most european countries has nothing to do with motherfuckers assaulting a children.
If you disagree with what I say go to european court and ask them to change the law ...
if at the time the father of this girl denonced Dennis to police the law wasn't 17 years old for sex in Belgium while in france it was 15 Dennis will have never been in trouble for this and the mother of this girl was the person who send her to Dennis !!!
I'm not saying it's a good or normal thing, I just say from a country to another, from a court to another the law are different and you or me are not the judges !!!
In Hungary for instance, the law in very rude for many things but sexual majority is 14 years old. And a rape has to be told to police before 30 days. You can forget in Hungary the idea that a women just come to the police and say " this man rape me one year ago" if she can't bring formal material evidences it happened. Myself as I said before, I regret nowadays anyone can say anything about anyone without any prove. The britshit accuse me of so many thing totally falses and without any other "proves" than what he believe, what some people maybe told him but absolutely no any formal evidences. But some idiots can trust him and think I am a monster. Welcome in the 2024's world ...
Social Medias are the cancer of humanity. I use it but at same time I know how it's poisonned tools ... and you Ton618 you are completly wrong when you write this :
I find out that the owner (someone I up-to-now thought I respected) sympathises with diddlers ffs!!
I do not sympathise more with X or Y person until they have made a huge quantity of post and I know who they are !!!
You should appreciate the freedom you have to express your opinion and get an answer from me ...

“Nobody is jealous of the losers, only the winners attract the jealousy and hatred of idiots. That explains who my enemies are!”
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