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Re: Politique Française

Post by MVitaly5 »

Jean wrote:
Tue Apr 02, 2024 7:38 pm
MVitaly5 wrote:
Tue Apr 02, 2024 7:27 pm
Jean wrote:
Tue Apr 02, 2024 6:49 pm

Bah parcque c'est un pays qui se fait attaquer par un autre, beaucoup plus grand et puissant que lui, c'est humain de vouloir aider, et je le dis tout de suite, avant qu'on me tombe dessus une nouvelle fois, je suis simple spectateur, comme vous tous ici, de ce qui se passe ici, je le dis parcque parfois on m'agresse, comme si c'était moi qui décidait des trucs... Je comprends que l'Europe soit intervenu, tu vois un petit dans une cours de récré se faire défoncer par un groupe de balèze, t'as envi d'intervenir, tu vois un mec en train de crever sur la route,, tu t'arrête, tu lui demande pas ses papiers Schengen ou s'il est de l'UE, et oui, y'a d'autres pays où l'Europe ne s'en mêle pas, alors que y aurait de quoi aussi, je suis d'accord, mais bon, là elle l'a fait pour l'Ukraine, c'est peut-être pas la peine non plus, de chier une pendule pour ça, mais bon...
This is because your attention, pity, emotions, and others like you are artificially and purposefully directed to those cases that "need certain persons", and other similar cases are not!!!!
Your opinion and emotions are artificially manipulated, using elementary human emotions for their own selfish purposes.
Ok but what do you want ? Many people have their "nature" like this and can't change it, what do you want ? We supress all émotions to people ? We all get "cold piss" and no feelings ? I'm not agressive with you at all, just talking, i understand what you Say, but you can't expect that Worldwide people manage their émotion like you, or think like you, ect
Emotions, they are inherent and natural to humans, yes. And that's normal. But in some areas of life, emotions may not always contribute to making sober and balanced decisions, for example, in business, politics, military, etc. Emotions in people can also be frank, and can be fake or hypocritical. And the main thing, human emotions can be easily managed and manipulated, and after directing these people for fulfillment of various tasks in interests of the third parties, those who manipulate emotions of others. Using an emotional person, it is possible to artificially create in his understanding an "enemy image", even to turn him into a fanatic, it is possible to excite in him a false sense of guilt, or on the contrary unreasonable self-confidence in his actions and rightness. And many other things...
Any provocative actions, organization of military conflicts, creation and financing of terrorist acts, all this is initially aimed at people's emotions to use them to achieve goals in their own interests. There is a need for an infoprovocation that will strongly influence people's emotions in the "right direction", after which you can do anything you want.
It was:
1). "False genocide of Kosovo Albanians, by Serbs" - result: Bloody NATO aggression on Yugoslavia, collapse of the country, thousands of victims, Serbian leader, died in prison.
2). "Powell's test tube", followed by the destruction of Iraq, hanging of the country's leader. No chemical weapons were ever found. But "found oil", which was transported for free to the US for a long time,
3). "Allegedly 'bad dictator' Gaddafi", result: destruction of a prosperous African country, chaos and civil war, massacre of the country's leader with H. Clinton clapping her hands, watching a bloody man being beaten to death.
4). "Demolition of the twin towers in New York" - the result: illegal invasion of Afghanistan, Americans clapping their hands and seeking revenge thinking they were fighting terrorists, 20 years of occupation, chaos and poverty after the US left the country and betrayal by the US of Afghanistan's political elites who cooperated with the US. During the US occupation of Afghanistan, opium and heroin exports increased hundreds of times. The poppy fields were guarded by US soldiers themselves.
5). "Organizing a coup d'état in Ukraine, bringing anti-Russian and Nazi political forces to power, supplying Ukraine with weapons and genocide of Russians and Ukrainians in Dombass." Result: forced Russia to intervene militarily to protect people, thus creating emotional infoprovocation for people like you to stir up negativity against Russia. Lies and intimidation of EU citizens continue, in order to artificially create an "enemy image" of Russia. This is done in order to more easily justify to the EU population the corpses of military men who will be sent to the war in Ukraine, the economic problems, the deterioration of the standard of living of Europeans, etc.

This is how it is done, and in these template actions, there is nothing new for people who understand all these processes!

El Major
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Re: Politique Française

Post by El Major »

So now we are back to carpet bombing this forum with stupid russian propaganda . Awesome.

Obviously USA flew planes in their own buildings to go to war in Aghtanistan :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Not a single sane person in the world thinks this. Why the hell would they pick Afghanistan for this ? What resoucres or something was there to gain from going there?

Taliban was and still is horrible and they gave terrorist freedom to operate from there. Im sure USA made this terrorists like Mohammed Atta and the other hijackers do this so they could go to war to get access to the great views in the mountains of Afghanistan :roll:

The horrific terror attack in Russia a week ago was now claimed by the Islamic State Khorasan Province (ISKP), the same Afghanistan-based terrorist group that bombed the Kabul airport’s Abbey Gate in August 2021, killing 13 U.S. soldiers and 170 Afghans.

But Taliban that would rather kill a girl than let her go to school are angels if we could make USA look bad :roll:

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Re: Politique Française

Post by MVitaly5 »


6). A terrorist attack in Israel, carried out by Hamas. The perpetrators of the terrorist attack, these fanatics are known to us, but who directed them?
"Hamas" in the beginning of its existence was financed by Israel itself and other intelligence services, to fight some Palestinian political movements. Israel has long been looking for an excuse to "deal" with the Gaza Strip and Palestine. I remember the reaction of the participants of even this forum, after the terrorist attack. Everyone emotionally cursed the terrorists and demanded their brutal destruction. And this is the usual reaction of a simple average person. And this reaction of people was necessary, that there was such a result: today there are more than 30000 civilian victims in the Gaza Strip, most of them women and children. And the casualties and the destruction are steadily increasing. Entire residential neighborhoods destroyed, humanitarian disaster, starvation, disease, due to the blockade. Israel does whatever it wants. Yesterday they launched a missile attack on Iran's diplomatic mission in another sovereign country, Syria. Many dead.
To all accusations from the side of Israel, they use the favorite trick that everyone in the world owes the Jews, everyone is guilty before them, because they are victims of the Holocaust and fanatics - radical Islamists. And when it will end and whether it will end at all, and will not develop into a large-scale war in the Middle East is not known, because the U.S. has already engaged in its favorite business - supplying weapons to Israel.

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Re: Politique Française

Post by MVitaly5 »

Wed Apr 03, 2024 8:37 am
Bon je vais cleaner ce topic et remettre les post non relié à la France dans le bon !

Vous avez raison.
Mais ces commentaires ont également un rapport très indirect ou lointain avec le sujet de la guerre en Ukraine. Il s'agit d'un sujet de géopolitique mondiale.

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Certe mais tout de même trés axé sur la situation actuelle en Ukraine donc voilà j'ai remis de l'ordre !!!

“Nobody is jealous of the losers, only the winners attract the jealousy and hatred of idiots. That explains who my enemies are!”
I feel 2024 will be my best year ever !!!

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Post by jonathancarter »

Pierre regarding this subject, if this conflict eases hopefully, will you go to RUSSIA for castings as you have done a while ago. I am sure you will find one after the other hot and fire women. Or alternatively 'import' Russian girls to Hungary for some spicy action :lol: :lol:

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Re: Politique Française

Post by jonathancarter »

El Major wrote:
Tue Apr 02, 2024 9:22 pm
So now we are back to carpet bombing this forum with stupid russian propaganda . Awesome.

Obviously USA flew planes in their own buildings to go to war in Aghtanistan :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Not a single sane person in the world thinks this. Why the hell would they pick Afghanistan for this ? What resoucres or something was there to gain from going there?

Taliban was and still is horrible and they gave terrorist freedom to operate from there. Im sure USA made this terrorists like Mohammed Atta and the other hijackers do this so they could go to war to get access to the great views in the mountains of Afghanistan :roll:

The horrific terror attack in Russia a week ago was now claimed by the Islamic State Khorasan Province (ISKP), the same Afghanistan-based terrorist group that bombed the Kabul airport’s Abbey Gate in August 2021, killing 13 U.S. soldiers and 170 Afghans.

But Taliban that would rather kill a girl than let her go to school are angels if we could make USA look bad :roll:

Your points are simply invalid. It seems like the government trick has worked on people like you. Firstly, the USA and CIA have hired Bin Laden and this is known. They blew up their own towers so that they have an excuse to carry out special 'operations' in countries like Iraq and Afghanistan. This was the perfect excuse. The USA hired terrorists to carry out this mission. How did the most advanced military in the world not see such an attack coming and did not try to stop it? How? And about afghanistan, I know you are unaware but this country is the gateaway connecting Asia. It is a key location for when countries want to take regional control. why do you think soviets attacked them? It was so they can cover more territory as they were having battles with the US and Europe at the time. Afghanistan is very rich in resources such as lithium and gold and oil, all of which are in the best interest of the west for money. Afghanistan is truly a gem of a place and known as the 'London' of Asia in the 1970's. Sadly the USA and Soviets ruined it due to their battle and the USA even funded the Taliban to fight off the soviets.

Did you not watch Putin's interview with Tucker. The way he exposed the West and their cowardly actions. This man went over the entire history of Russia and Ukraine with a foreign translator. Exposed how spineless these countries are and how NATO pushed the borders despite warnings. This is not propaganda, this is simply history facts. But its sad people like you dont read history and simply follow government like a sheep.

El Major
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Post by El Major »

Its incredible how fucking stupid people like you are. Terror attacks happen like in Russia a week ago. Maybe you think Russia wanted this to happen aswell :roll: Did you not watch the Tucker Carloson interview :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Yes. The guy that had to be fired because he cost Fox huge amount of money because it was proved he lies like everybody knows. Tucker laywers has actually said in court defending him that no reasonable person woluld belive Tukcer . Its entertaiment but morons gobble up his bullshit anyways :lol: :lol: :lol: And call others sheep :lol: :lol:

Sadly I watched it because Putin would only allow a fan to interview him. Tucker has said that he supports Putin several times and when he was fired I remember there were russians that said he could come work for them. So Tucker is obviously a guy that tells the truth here :lol: :lol: The fun part wa that even Putin seemed to think Tucker is an idiot. You might want to know Putin has now gone full dictator and you might want to reflect on why there is no free media in Russia but sheep like me obviously dont understand that goverment propaganda media is the way to get the truth from Russia aswell :roll:

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Post by jonathancarter »

El Major wrote:
Wed Apr 03, 2024 11:25 pm
Its incredible how fucking stupid people like you are. Terror attacks happen like in Russia a week ago. Maybe you think Russia wanted this to happen aswell :roll: Did you not watch the Tucker Carloson interview :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Yes. The guy that had to be fired because he cost Fox huge amount of money because it was proved he lies like everybody knows. Tucker laywers has actually said in court defending him that no reasonable person woluld belive Tukcer . Its entertaiment but morons gobble up his bullshit anyways :lol: :lol: :lol: And call others sheep :lol: :lol:

Sadly I watched it because Putin would only allow a fan to interview him. Tucker has said that he supports Putin several times and when he was fired I remember there were russians that said he could come work for them. So Tucker is obviously a guy that tells the truth here :lol: :lol: The fun part wa that even Putin seemed to think Tucker is an idiot. You might want to know Putin has now gone full dictator and you might want to reflect on why there is no free media in Russia but sheep like me obviously dont understand that goverment propaganda media is the way to get the truth from Russia aswell :roll:

hahahahah calling me stupid when you think the USA was not involved in 9/11 attacks. A pure definition of a brain washed media person. Putin narrated the entire history of the region with detail and tucker openly asked critical questions such as why he is so dominant in terms of his presidency and whether or not he imprisons his rivals. Its amazing how such ppl like you feed into what the western media tells you, honestly. Read the comments of tuckers interview, 99% positive and those who understand logic. Now youre gonna say those 99% are fools and 'stupid' hahahaha. Putin also narrated how countries such as Germany and France were blocked from gas pipes by other european countries who are protected by germany and france!!! wake up. Let me guess now you will say Ukraine is winning the war and Zelensky is a hero.

How about you read history and then come to conclusions. This is not a personal attack just a debate, however a rather stupid one.

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Post by mspm89 »

Random reminder that anyone who parrots "hurr durr Trump fascist" or "hurr durr January 6 insurrection" is not qualified to discuss any of these topics.

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