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Post by Snabba »

BlackSon wrote:
Mon May 06, 2024 6:40 pm
Snabba wrote:
Mon May 06, 2024 4:11 pm
If Russia win, losers would be the Ukrainians who would get colonised once again and oppressed by Russians, they would also lose their freedom, democracy and state of law.
Unlike you and your neighbors, Russia has never colonized any country and never oppressed any particular national or ethnic group. "Ukrainians colonised once again", The USSR, being the Union, implies that the countries get to join it of their own volition, meaning that the Republic of Ukraine chose to join it at the time. So do a bit of an "actual" research before posting some nonsense and come to Russia and see how people live there. Or if you're too lazy, there're quite a few channels about life of foreigners in Russia: ( (
"Tell me your stupid without telling me your stupid"

Russia colonised half of europe for decades and commited many massacres as in baltic states, ukraine (holodomor)
Russia colonised other people within its own current border in the caucasus (ever heard of the two war in chechnya?) , far east etc...

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Post by Snabba »

MVitaly5 wrote:
Mon May 06, 2024 6:22 pm
Snabba wrote:
Mon May 06, 2024 4:11 pm
If Russia win, losers would be the Ukrainians who would get colonised once again and oppressed by Russians, they would also lose their freedom, democracy and state of law.
I wonder where you get all this nonsense from.
Ukraine in 1991, when it left the USSR, was one of the richest countries in Europe in terms of GDP at PPP. It was the richest and most industrialized republic of the Soviet Union. The latter invested fabulous funds in Ukraine.
And what did they turn their country into during their independence?
They turned Ukraine into the most corrupt and poor country in Europe, with nationalistic sentiments.

Who "oppressed" it during that time? Who ever "oppressed" it when it was part of the Russian Empire or the Soviet Union?

Enough of this nonsense already!
Since the coup d'état in 2014, Ukraine has been under complete external control of the West. And what we have as a result. Genocide against its own people. The flourishing of radical nationalism. The elimination of all opposition forces and parties. Elimination of all opposition media. Investigation and murder of all dissenters; politicians, public figures and ordinary citizens. Colossal drain of population, and far, not only because of war. Even before the war, more than 3 million Ukrainian migrants worked in Russia, and even more worked in Europe and other countries.
Zelensky, canceled the Ukrainian presidential election. On May 20, 2024 he will be officially illegitimate President of Ukraine. Idiotic laws on legalization of cannabis are being passed to completely turn the population into Zombies, to distract them from pressing problems, and which are convenient to manage. Constant mobilizations of all segments of the population. Unprepared people are thrown into the trenches to be slaughtered for the interests of the West "to the last Ukrainian".
What the fuck kind of democracy or rule of law are you talking about?
Are you out of your mind?

Here are the economic indicators of Ukraine's GDP at PPP from the IMF.
Snabba wrote:
Mon May 06, 2024 4:11 pm
It is Russia against the poorest and weakest army of Europe.
This is far from true. Since the defeat of the Ukrainian Army by the Dombass militia in 2014, when the Minsk Agreements were concluded, Ukraine, instead of complying with them, began, with the help of the West, to build up its combat power. And by February 2022, the Ukrainian army was one of the most numerous and well-armed armies in Europe.
Further, more than 50 countries are helping the Ukrainian army; with money, weapons, ammunition, military instructors and mercenaries.
Further, more than 50 countries are helping the Ukrainian army; with money, arms, ammunition and mercenaries.
And if the losses of the Ukrainian army to date, according to the most modest and verified estimates, are much more than 500000 irretrievable losses (killed or seriously wounded, not ready to fight), then I, as a military analyst, tell you responsibly, that with such losses and holding the front, says that Ukraine had more than 1500000 and even more people under the gun.
As for foreign mercenaries, there is also verified data on their presence in Ukraine and their losses. More than 20000 mercenaries from different countries, the losses are more than 70%.

Therefore, if you do not know the correct information, it is better not to talk nonsense.

european countries donate old equipment, and they make very little economic effort, none have put themselves into a war economy.

when minsk agreement were signed separatist assaulted donetsk airport, Debaltseve, Olovaisk and the minsk agreement said the border were meant to be given back to ukrainian, but without the control of the border Russian couldn't have been able to send men, as Girkin said, without him there would have been not separatism in Ukraine because ukrainain population didn't want it.

There was no genocide in Donbass dummy. Russian speaking Ukrainian are patriots, even in Azov battalion most of the member were russian speaking ukrainian.

yes Putin's war is bloody for Ukrainians but so it is for Russians (estimate of 150k deaths). But Russians are zombies, they accept to have their son killed for a senseless war if their government give them a car in return :lol:

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Post by MVitaly5 »

Snabba wrote:
Mon May 06, 2024 9:20 pm
Who oppressed who? Russian when they starved 3 millions ukrainians to death, when they massacred all the ukrainians fighting for the independence? even the nazi were shocked by what they found.
Your tale about the "famine" of Ukrainians is no longer a new one, make up something new.
Ukraine was then part of the young Soviet state, and there was famine in many territories, not only in Ukraine, but the stinking Bandera Nazis invented a story about the purposeful famine of Ukrainians. Naturally, you are not aware, because you are completely uneducated, that there were always many Ukrainians in the leadership of the Soviet state and the Communist Party of the USSR. So according to you, they "starved" their own.
Yes, Hitler's Nazis were indeed shocked by the atrocities of the Bandera, Nazi scum who murdered Poles, Jews, Hungarians, Russians and Ukrainians. Why the SS troops had to do all this themselves, when there were Ukrainian Bandera beasts who served their interests with such enthusiasm and brutality
Snabba wrote:
Mon May 06, 2024 9:20 pm
I'm 100% of slavic ethnicity, i'm not an ethnic finno-mongolian like russians.
I've already realized what you are!
You're not a Slav, you're a corrupt Bandera Nazi scum who sold his ass to the Anglo-Saxon masters.
Snabba wrote:
Mon May 06, 2024 9:20 pm
Thart's why all your neighbors hates you, because other countries aspired to democracy, liberty while Russians just respect oppressions.
Who hates us? You? I hate the Banderite bastards too.
Russia is a member of several unions; CIS, EAEU, CSTO, SCO.
Russia has excellent relations with almost all former republics of the Soviet Union, except for the Nazi Ukraine, the Baltic small principalities, which work off handouts from the Western masters, because after leaving the USSR, except for being impoverished and losing more than half of its population, except for petty Russophobia, they produce nothing else. All, they are mutts, today they have one master, tomorrow another. They don't even pay attention to that in Russia. "The mutts bark, the caravan marches on." In Georgia, pro-Russian political forces are also gaining momentum.
But the West is really hated by the rest of the world for their centuries-long robbery, swagger, arrogance, unscrupulousness, unscrupulous politics and insolence. You have a master - the USA, and a bunch of mutts-servants, all the others, who are at the feet of the master, as long as he is in power.
Many countries of the world look at Russia with hope that it will put all your swaggering Western bubble in the stall.
Snabba wrote:
Mon May 06, 2024 9:20 pm
Yes Ukrained struggled economically over the last decade because they didn't join the european union as Poland did. They have remained in Russian sphere of influence and that was their curse.
No one's gonna take you pig farmer to the EU, don't dream. Dream of lacy underpants, that's what you've always dreamed of, isn't it? :lol:
And if you are now hiding from mobilization in Poland, then remember how much billions Poland robbed the EU, namely the main donor countries (Germany, France), when it joined this organization. Poland received so much money for its development that in total it is more than the whole "Marshall Plan".
All this Eastern Europe, with the rare exception of Hungary, is a parasite on the body of the European Union and taxpayers from Germany and France. That's why the Anglo-Saxons jumped out of the swamp.
Snabba wrote:
Mon May 06, 2024 9:27 pm
Russia colonised other people within its own current border in the caucasus (ever heard of the two war in chechnya?) ,
Chechnya is Russian territory, what colonization, ignoramus? :roll:
The West treacherously supported terrorists on the territory of Chechnya during the crisis in Russia. Now all Chechens, together with Russians and other nationalities, are fighting in the Russian Army as brothers.
Oooh, what a lying scumbag you are!
Snabba wrote:
Mon May 06, 2024 9:48 pm
european countries donate old equipment, and they make very little economic effort, none have put themselves into a war economy.
Yeah, you don't say. Go look in Moscow, right now all this "old equipment is standing like trophies; Leopards, Abrams, Bradleys, Challengers and other scrap metal that the West is so proud of. It may be old, but you don't have any new ones, Idiot! :lol:
Snabba wrote:
Mon May 06, 2024 9:48 pm
when minsk agreement were signed separatist assaulted donetsk airport, Debaltseve, Olovaisk and the minsk agreement said the border were meant to be given back to ukrainian, but without the control of the border Russian couldn't have been able to send men, as Girkin said, without him there would have been not separatism in Ukraine because ukrainain population didn't want it.
Did you come up with that shit yourself or did somebody tell you? :roll:
Snabba wrote:
Mon May 06, 2024 9:48 pm
There was no genocide in Donbass dummy. Russian speaking Ukrainian are patriots, even in Azov battalion most of the member were russian speaking ukrainian.
Well, I knew that now the Nazi Azov would start justifying the Nazi Azov, which even in the West is recognized as Nazi.
Did anyone else doubt that it's a Nazi Bandera scum who writes these posts?
Remember people in the Western countries, you will regret that you sheltered this Nazi scum at home, who, cowardly, escaped from Ukraine and spread their Nazi propaganda.

"Snabba" - You are a disgrace to the Slavic ethnos!
After "Azov", it's all clear to me with you, you're a lying Banderite troll and talking to you is disrespectful! The discussion with you personally is over. Too bad, I didn't realize it at once, who you are....

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Post by Snabba »

MVitaly5 wrote:
Mon May 06, 2024 10:54 pm
Snabba wrote:
Mon May 06, 2024 9:20 pm
Who oppressed who? Russian when they starved 3 millions ukrainians to death, when they massacred all the ukrainians fighting for the independence? even the nazi were shocked by what they found.
Your tale about the "famine" of Ukrainians is no longer a new one, make up something new.
Ukraine was then part of the young Soviet state, and there was famine in many territories, not only in Ukraine, but the stinking Bandera Nazis invented a story about the purposeful famine of Ukrainians. Naturally, you are not aware, because you are completely uneducated, that there were always many Ukrainians in the leadership of the Soviet state and the Communist Party of the USSR. So according to you, they "starved" their own.
Yes, Hitler's Nazis were indeed shocked by the atrocities of the Bandera, Nazi scum who murdered Poles, Jews, Hungarians, Russians and Ukrainians. Why the SS troops had to do all this themselves, when there were Ukrainian Bandera beasts who served their interests with such enthusiasm and brutality
Snabba wrote:
Mon May 06, 2024 9:20 pm
I'm 100% of slavic ethnicity, i'm not an ethnic finno-mongolian like russians.
I've already realized what you are!
You're not a Slav, you're a corrupt Bandera Nazi scum who sold his ass to the Anglo-Saxon masters.
Snabba wrote:
Mon May 06, 2024 9:20 pm
Thart's why all your neighbors hates you, because other countries aspired to democracy, liberty while Russians just respect oppressions.
Who hates us? You? I hate the Banderite bastards too.
Russia is a member of several unions; CIS, EAEU, CSTO, SCO.
Russia has excellent relations with almost all former republics of the Soviet Union, except for the Nazi Ukraine, the Baltic small principalities, which work off handouts from the Western masters, because after leaving the USSR, except for being impoverished and losing more than half of its population, except for petty Russophobia, they produce nothing else. All, they are mutts, today they have one master, tomorrow another. They don't even pay attention to that in Russia. "The mutts bark, the caravan marches on." In Georgia, pro-Russian political forces are also gaining momentum.
But the West is really hated by the rest of the world for their centuries-long robbery, swagger, arrogance, unscrupulousness, unscrupulous politics and insolence. You have a master - the USA, and a bunch of mutts-servants, all the others, who are at the feet of the master, as long as he is in power.
Many countries of the world look at Russia with hope that it will put all your swaggering Western bubble in the stall.
Snabba wrote:
Mon May 06, 2024 9:20 pm
Yes Ukrained struggled economically over the last decade because they didn't join the european union as Poland did. They have remained in Russian sphere of influence and that was their curse.
No one's gonna take you pig farmer to the EU, don't dream. Dream of lacy underpants, that's what you've always dreamed of, isn't it? :lol:
And if you are now hiding from mobilization in Poland, then remember how much billions Poland robbed the EU, namely the main donor countries (Germany, France), when it joined this organization. Poland received so much money for its development that in total it is more than the whole "Marshall Plan".
All this Eastern Europe, with the rare exception of Hungary, is a parasite on the body of the European Union and taxpayers from Germany and France. That's why the Anglo-Saxons jumped out of the swamp.
Snabba wrote:
Mon May 06, 2024 9:27 pm
Russia colonised other people within its own current border in the caucasus (ever heard of the two war in chechnya?) ,
Chechnya is Russian territory, what colonization, ignoramus? :roll:
The West treacherously supported terrorists on the territory of Chechnya during the crisis in Russia. Now all Chechens, together with Russians and other nationalities, are fighting in the Russian Army as brothers.
Oooh, what a lying scumbag you are!
Snabba wrote:
Mon May 06, 2024 9:48 pm
european countries donate old equipment, and they make very little economic effort, none have put themselves into a war economy.
Yeah, you don't say. Go look in Moscow, right now all this "old equipment is standing like trophies; Leopards, Abrams, Bradleys, Challengers and other scrap metal that the West is so proud of. It may be old, but you don't have any new ones, Idiot! :lol:
Snabba wrote:
Mon May 06, 2024 9:48 pm
when minsk agreement were signed separatist assaulted donetsk airport, Debaltseve, Olovaisk and the minsk agreement said the border were meant to be given back to ukrainian, but without the control of the border Russian couldn't have been able to send men, as Girkin said, without him there would have been not separatism in Ukraine because ukrainain population didn't want it.
Did you come up with that shit yourself or did somebody tell you? :roll:
Snabba wrote:
Mon May 06, 2024 9:48 pm
There was no genocide in Donbass dummy. Russian speaking Ukrainian are patriots, even in Azov battalion most of the member were russian speaking ukrainian.
Well, I knew that now the Nazi Azov would start justifying the Nazi Azov, which even in the West is recognized as Nazi.
Did anyone else doubt that it's a Nazi Bandera scum who writes these posts?
Remember people in the Western countries, you will regret that you sheltered this Nazi scum at home, who, cowardly, escaped from Ukraine and spread their Nazi propaganda.

"Snabba" - You are a disgrace to the Slavic ethnos!
After "Azov", it's all clear to me with you, you're a lying Banderite troll and talking to you is disrespectful! The discussion with you personally is over. Too bad, I didn't realize it at once, who you are....
oh sorry to bring up again the extermination of 4 million Ukrainians by a famine organized by Russo-Soviet power, of course every country did such a thing. Breaking the ukrainian peasantry meant breaking the resistance to the Russo-Soviet project to enslave Ukraine. It has been demonstrated that the intensity of the famines on Ukrainian territory was unprecedented, and therefore well-organized by the authorities. Researcher Andrea Graziozi has done some wonderful work on this subject.

I'm slav but i’m no Ukrainian, so I coudln’t care less about what you think about Bandera. But we welcomed many of Ukrainians in my home country and I met them and I found out that they are an amazing people, and that's why I despise Russia for doing such attrocities on them.

Oh yes, because Russia hasn't lost a huge part of its population since the fall of soviet unions aha, only compensated by importing a huge number of Central Asians.

Yes, the sewer states of Africa appreciate Russia, you should import more of them in addition to your Tajiks and Uzbeks. Every decent nation (Europe, USA, Argentina, South Korea, Japan) hate Russia. You just have stupid illiterate and dictatorial nations rooting for you.

Chechnya has been colonized, it wasn’t part of Russia originally. That’s why you killed one third of them during the Chechnya war and put the Kadyrov puppet in charge. But in few decades when caucasian muslims and central asian muslim will outnumber finno-mongolian russian we will have a lot of fun watching reversed colonisation :lol: that's why Putin want to colonize Ukraine, so he can add 35 millions slavs to its "empire"

i’m not shame to the slavic ethnos, no one killed more slavs than Russia, you filthy finno-mongolian, and soon tajik-finno-mongolian ethnos

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As I said many time ... hard to believe medias !!!

Now concerning this :
Snabba wrote: ↑
Mon May 06, 2024 10:20 pm
Who oppressed who? Russian when they starved 3 millions ukrainians to death, when they massacred all the ukrainians fighting for the independence? even the nazi were shocked by what they found.

Your tale about the "famine" of Ukrainians is no longer a new one, make up something new.
Ukraine was then part of the young Soviet state, and there was famine in many territories, not only in Ukraine, but the stinking Bandera Nazis invented a story about the purposeful famine of Ukrainians. Naturally, you are not aware, because you are completely uneducated, that there were always many Ukrainians in the leadership of the Soviet state and the Communist Party of the USSR. So according to you, they "starved" their own.
Yes, Hitler's Nazis were indeed shocked by the atrocities of the Bandera, Nazi scum who murdered Poles, Jews, Hungarians, Russians and Ukrainians. Why the SS troops had to do all this themselves, when there were Ukrainian Bandera beasts who served their interests with such enthusiasm and brutality
Sadly you are both right !!! Staline did horrible things and Banderas too ...

But it has nothing to do with the actual situation. This war is the consequence of the way USA want absolutely expand her power all over the world and without the introduction of the NATO at the border of Russia I'm sure not even Crimea will have been invaded by Russia. I am maybe naive but I don't see why a man like Putin should have kill his ass to look like a great president to the eyes of the entire world for years and suddently did a 360 ° turn from the minute started all the chaos in middle orient after US Aand Europe "save" Irak and Lybia ... They also failed to "save" Syria because of the Russians.
I know some people will disagree with me but honestly I preferred see Saddam Hussein or Khaddafi or Al Assad kill few hundred of opposant every year than the millions soul dead after the great american and europe "delivery" who completly failed and left a chaos with the arabs extremist installed in place where all religions was in peace before they come !!!

“Nobody is jealous of the losers, only the winners attract the jealousy and hatred of idiots. That explains who my enemies are!”
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Post by BlackSon »

Fri May 24, 2024 6:00 am

But it has nothing to do with the actual situation. This war is the consequence of the way USA want absolutely expand her power all over the world and without the introduction of the NATO at the border of Russia I'm sure not even Crimea will have been invaded by Russia. I am maybe naive but I don't see why a man like Putin should have kill his ass to look like a great president to the eyes of the entire world for years and suddently did a 360 ° turn from the minute started all the chaos in middle orient after US Aand Europe "save" Irak and Lybia ...
Dude, Crimea wasn't invaded by Russia. And a 360° turn means keeping a status quo.

_I = that's 90°
__ = that's 180°, that's what you probably meant, but 360° is the original point, which, according to what you've written, Putin hasn't made any turns

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You're right !!!
We french often say " virage à 360 °" but it's a mistake.
And it's a turn back at 180° the correct expression for a reverse attitude ...

but about this :
Crimea wasn't invaded by Russia
sorry there wasn't a russian flag over this part of Ukrain before 2014 but an ukrainian one.
So even if for you it wasn't an "invasion" and the word ANEXION is better at the end the result is the same.
Only there wasn't so many innocent lives killed like now on both side and also a majority of people living there was russian natives so it has make the process "smoother" !!!

“Nobody is jealous of the losers, only the winners attract the jealousy and hatred of idiots. That explains who my enemies are!”
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Post by BlackSon »

Fri May 24, 2024 7:24 am
sorry there wasn't a russian flag over this part of Ukrain before 2014 but an ukrainian one.
So even if for you it wasn't an "invasion" and the word ANEXION is better at the end the result is the same.
Only there wasn't so many innocent lives killed like now on both side and also a majority of people living there was russian natives so it has make the process "smoother" !!!


Well, Crimea is an "autonomous republic". By definition it means it can choose whether or not to be a part of Ukraine, and when the coup d'etat happened they chose to leave Ukraine and join Russia, simple as that. You could ask any Crimean, most of them will say that

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It's exactly that !!!

“Nobody is jealous of the losers, only the winners attract the jealousy and hatred of idiots. That explains who my enemies are!”
I feel 2024 will be my best year ever !!!

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