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Post by Eintracht »

MVitaly5 wrote:
Tue Mar 01, 2022 11:53 pm
bucki125 wrote:
Tue Mar 01, 2022 11:39 pm
Is there anything we can we do through you to help the Ukranians?
Through your journalist Anatoly Shariy, Ukrainian ordinary people can be helped. He does not deal with the political and military conflict, but through members of his party and journalists, he contacts people in Ukraine and helps in any way I can. He has a fund where money is transferred. Even the Russians, including myself, transfer money there, because they help just ordinary people who are in trouble in connection with this conflict.
Sharif??? Are you joking?????
The guy who provoked by singing pro-Kreml songs on the maidan? Who once called western-Ukrainians inferior due to being allegedly mixed-race??
This guy is nothing else than a pro- Russian propagandist!

No surprise here

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post by iilic »

As someone who have unfortunatelly seen USA/NATO democracy in practice (the greatest hypocrites in the world), and know that they openly support terrorists when it's in their interest and making conflicts all around the world, I totally understand Russia, who is forced into this. I have friends on both sides and know situation very well and hope this all will end well and with no much more damage than it's already done. But I also understand that someone who lives in the EU countries have no clue what is going on. The problem is that they're sure they understand everything. And it's funny how USA/NATO who started hundred wars are still good guys in most people's eyes and Russia is bad when they do the same (and rightfully so).
Russia have many bad sides but for this what is happening right now, I can not blame them for anything. I'd always rather choose to live in USA, if I had to choose, but one of the reasons that the life there is better there is that they are destroying another countries and taking they wealth, which they would like to do with Russia too.

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Post by MVitaly5 »

Eintracht wrote:
Wed Mar 02, 2022 5:43 am
Sharif??? Are you joking?????
The guy who provoked by singing pro-Kreml songs on the maidan? Who once called western-Ukrainians inferior due to being allegedly mixed-race??
This guy is nothing else than a pro- Russian propagandist!

No surprise here

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Я не знаю, кто такой Шариф! Это видимо какой-то твой друг, и ты по глупости своей, плюнул в него.
Речь идет об украинском блогере Анатолие Шарие. Он находится сейчас в одной из стран Евросоюза. Он опозиционен украинской власти и-за поддержки последней нацистов в стране и дикой корупции. Он против конфликта, и не поддерживает действия ни российской, ни украинской власти. По этому занимается абсолютно только гуманитарными вопросами, потдерживая простые украинские семьи, у которых возникли проблемы. Он имеет колосальную популярность среди украинцев. Его блог на You-tube, имеет около 3 миллионов подписчиков. Члены его партии и журналисты, находяться сейчас на территории украинских городом и осуществляют коммуникацию. Уже очень многим людям помогли.
Ты же пес шалудивый, просто злобный гнус, которому просто плевать на простых украинцев. Ты изображаешь тут из себя защитника украинцев, на самом деле просто изливаешь тут свой яд, своим ядовитым языком. Это явный признак нациста, которому плевать на всех, даже на своих сародичей, не разделящих его фанатизм. Ты действуешь, как Бандеровец, которые убивали даже украинцев, которые отказывались им помогать.

I don't know who Sharif is! This is apparently some friend of yours, and you, out of your stupidity, spat at him.
We are talking about the Ukrainian blogger Anatoly Shariy. He is now in one of the countries of the European Union. He is in opposition to the Ukrainian authorities because of the support of the last Nazis in the country and wild corruption. He is against the conflict and does not support the actions of either the Russian or Ukrainian authorities. Therefore, he deals with absolutely only humanitarian issues, supporting ordinary Ukrainian families who have problems. It has tremendous popularity among Ukrainians. His blog on You-tube has about 3 million subscribers. Members of his party and journalists are now on the territory of Ukrainian cities and communicate. Already helped a lot of people.
You're a playful dog, just a vicious gnome who just doesn't care about ordinary Ukrainians. You are pretending to be a defender of Ukrainians here, in fact, you are just pouring out your poison here, with your poisonous tongue. This is a clear sign of a Nazi who does not care about everyone, even his relatives, who do not share his fanaticism. You act like Bandera, who even killed Ukrainians who refused to help them.

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Post by Eintracht »

MVitaly5 wrote:
Wed Mar 02, 2022 8:32 am

I don't know who Sharif is! This is apparently some friend of yours, and you, out of your stupidity, spat at him.
We are talking about the Ukrainian blogger Anatoly Shariy. He is now in one of the countries of the European Union. He is in opposition to the Ukrainian authorities because of the support of the last Nazis in the country and wild corruption. He is against the conflict and does not support the actions of either the Russian or Ukrainian authorities. Therefore, he deals with absolutely only humanitarian issues, supporting ordinary Ukrainian families who have problems. It has tremendous popularity among Ukrainians. His blog on You-tube has about 3 million subscribers. Members of his party and journalists are now on the territory of Ukrainian cities and communicate. Already helped a lot of people.
You're a playful dog, just a vicious gnome who just doesn't care about ordinary Ukrainians. You are pretending to be a defender of Ukrainians here, in fact, you are just pouring out your poison here, with your poisonous tongue. This is a clear sign of a Nazi who does not care about everyone, even his relatives, who do not share his fanaticism. You act like Bandera, who even killed Ukrainians who refused to help them.
I am also talking about Anatoly "The voice of the Kremlin" Shariy. :lol:
He is the posterboy of Russians who pretend to act in the Ukraine's interest.
I am not falling for this very obvious attempt of yours. :lol:

Aaaah, now I am a Nazi??? :lol:
You are sick in the head my friend and you play a very perfidious game.
Get help.
“You cannot blame porn, ... When I was young, I used to masturbate to Gilligan's Island.” - Ron Jeremy

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Post by tango75jlb »

Bravo iilic de résumer objectivement les choses

Je suis français, donc j'appartient au camp du Bien :lol: :lol: :lol: la bonne blague...
Critiquer la russie et poutine çà ne me dérange pas, à condition de critiquer TOUT PAREIL les usa et l'otan, qui ont beaucoup + de sang sur les mains que la russie, mais apparemment certains ont des émotions sélectives
Les Usa sont très très forts : avec juste un embargo, ils arrivent à affamer des gens et à les tuer : 500 000 (!!!!) enfants sont morts en irak du fait de l'embargo amé ZERO SANCTION contre les usa, c'est parfait

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Post by tango75jlb »

Le porte-parole du ministère chinois de la Défense nationale, Tan Kefei, a déclaré qu'à tout moment, n'importe où, ils sont prêts à soutenir la Russie au cas où les États-Unis et l'OTAN voudraient intervenir militairement.
C'est plus la même limonade la !!!

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Post by Eintracht »

tango75jlb wrote:
Wed Mar 02, 2022 8:45 am
Le porte-parole du ministère chinois de la Défense nationale, Tan Kefei, a déclaré qu'à tout moment, n'importe où, ils sont prêts à soutenir la Russie au cas où les États-Unis et l'OTAN voudraient intervenir militairement.
C'est plus la même limonade la !!!
Putin rassemble derrière lui tous les pays anti-démocratiques et anti-libéraux.
Ce sont des amis dont Russia peut être fier.
“You cannot blame porn, ... When I was young, I used to masturbate to Gilligan's Island.” - Ron Jeremy

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Post by MVitaly5 »

tango75jlb wrote:
Wed Mar 02, 2022 8:43 am
Bravo iilic de résumer objectivement les choses

Je suis français, donc j'appartient au camp du Bien :lol: :lol: :lol: la bonne blague...
Critiquer la russie et poutine çà ne me dérange pas, à condition de critiquer TOUT PAREIL les usa et l'otan, qui ont beaucoup + de sang sur les mains que la russie, mais apparemment certains ont des émotions sélectives
Les Usa sont très très forts : avec juste un embargo, ils arrivent à affamer des gens et à les tuer : 500 000 (!!!!) enfants sont morts en irak du fait de l'embargo amé ZERO SANCTION contre les usa, c'est parfait
Им же об этом не сообщали в телевизоре.
А кто хоть что-то знал, ну разве надо ссориться с американским хозяином...
They weren't told about it on TV.
And who knew at least something, well, is it really necessary to quarrel with the American owner ...

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Post by MVitaly5 »

Spiderdog wrote:
Tue Mar 01, 2022 4:01 pm
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Je ne suis pas du tout pro occidental mais là je dois avouer que tu me fais mourir de rire !
D'abord la Chine n'aidera pas la Russie , ce n'est pas dans son intérêt , moi je suis assez fan de la Chines est du monde Asiatique pour te dire que t'es à côté de la plaque ! Leur premier intérêt est d'être la puissance n°1 ! La chine possède plus de la moitié du trésor Américain et de sa dette et n'aurait aucun intérêt à leur chute si ce n'est se priver de ressources financières qui vont l'aider à atteindre son but ultime , surpasser le USA économiquement et militairement et ce n'est pas la Russie avec son minuscule PIB et son budget ridicule de la défense qui vont l'y aider , raison pour laquelle la Chine n'a pas bougée le petit doigt depuis le début afin d'appliquer la doctrine du Grand Deng Xiaoping !
Ensuite tu tire un trait un peu vite sur les exactions américaines oubliant de préciser le contexte géopolitique exact de ces guerres ! Tu passe sous silence le passé des pays de l'est et de la Russie et enfin ta haine américaine et ta propagande pro Russe t'empêche de voir l'exactitude des faits et surtout tes arguments sont stupides , ta méconnaissance des asiatiques est à MDR !! Aider la Russie :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: En réalité les asiatiques méprisent les Slave et la Russie , pour eux c'est juste un jeu politique !
tango75jlb wrote:
Wed Mar 02, 2022 8:45 am
Le porte-parole du ministère chinois de la Défense nationale, Tan Kefei, a déclaré qu'à tout moment, n'importe où, ils sont prêts à soutenir la Russie au cas où les États-Unis et l'OTAN voudraient intervenir militairement.
C'est plus la même limonade la !!!

Где этот "Китаист-Spiderdog", может еще нам глупые лекции про Китай почитает...
Where is this "Sinologist-Spiderdog", maybe he will read stupid lectures about China to us ...

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Post by MVitaly5 »

Eintracht wrote:
Wed Mar 02, 2022 8:52 am
Putin rassemble derrière lui tous les pays anti-démocratiques et anti-libéraux.
Ce sont des amis dont Russia peut être fier.
:lol: :lol: :lol: Либеральный, Демократический Запад. Это когда:
1). В семье есть "родитель № 1" и "родитель № 2", вместо "Папа" и "Мама".
2) У ребенка в школе спрашивают, какого он хочет быть пола.
3). Легализация однополых браков.
4). Оголтелая пропаганда сексуальных меньшинств.
5). Норвежский массовый убийца Брейвик, убивший 77 человек, сидит в камере-люкс, и реально может сейчас выйти на свободу.
6). Бестолковый феминизм.
7). "Childfree"
8). 58 различных вариаций пола человека.
9). В Брюсселе, в настоящее время, самое распространенное имя при рождении - Мохамед.
10).Белые целуют "черные сапоги". (БЛМ США)
11). "Желтые жилеты", уничтожают пол Парижа постоянно.
и так далее...
Иди ты на хуй, со своим "либерализмом", оставь его себе. Вы вымирающий вид.
Многие простые европейские люди, понимают это, но изнеженная, развратная элитка, погубит Европу.

:lol: :lol: :lol: Liberal, Democratic West. It is when:
1). The family has "Parent No. 1" and "Parent No. 2", instead of "Dad" and "Mom".
2) The child at school is asked what gender he wants to be.
3). Legalization of same-sex marriages.
4). Frenzied propaganda of sexual minorities.
5). Norwegian mass murderer Breivik, who killed 77 people, is sitting in a luxury cell, and can really be released now.
6). Clueless feminism.
7). "Childfree"
8). 58 different gender variations.
9). In Brussels, currently, the most common birth name is Mohamed.
10). Whites kiss "black boots". (US BLM)
11). "Yellow vests" destroy the floor of Paris constantly.
Fuck you, with your "liberalism", keep it to yourself. You are an endangered species.
Many ordinary European people understand this, but the pampered, depraved elite will destroy Europe.

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