The refugees coming to Europe

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Re: The refugees coming to Europe

Post by woodyfan23 »

Selon les Echos, les autorite allemande sont confirme que les suspects du offences sexuelles en Cologne sont 'presque exclusivement' d'origine immigree.

La nuit de la honte vraiment!!! :oops: :oops: :oops:

Hannibal DeCarthage
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Re: The refugees coming to Europe

Post by Hannibal DeCarthage »

In France,
under the pressure of the events of mass sexual assaults throughout Europe,
the media have revealed that an attempted rape took place on December 9
in a train ( from Paris) to Versailles.
Three illegal Afghans ( one still remaining at large) attacked a French woman,
28 years old.

" Versailles : deux hommes écroués pour tentative de viol dans un train"
(...) Deux hommes de nationalité afghane ont été mis en examen et placés en détention provisoire pour tentative de viol sur une passagère d'un train de banlieue entre Versailles et Houdan, dans les Yvelines.(...)
une jeune femme de 28 ans, monte dans une des voitures de la rame où se trouve déjà un groupe d'Afghans. Trois d'entre eux s'approchent alors d'elle, isolée dans le wagon, pour l'agresser sexuellement.(...)
Alors qu'elle commençait à être déshabillée, la jeune femme est finalement sauvée par un passager ayant surpris l'agression.(...)
Après étude des images de vidéosurveillance, les trois individus sont identifiés par les enquêteurs de la brigade des transports.(...)
Pour autant, ces hommes nient les faits et disent être des réfugiés politiques.(...)"

--> ... 7781208834

Merkel will fall and Hollande will follow. :evil:

Hannibal DeCarthage
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Re: The refugees coming to Europe

Post by Hannibal DeCarthage »

Karmafan wrote:(...)
Now we know why other Islamic countries would not take all those refugees. Too many of them are animals wearing human skin.
" Wealthy Gulf Nations Are Criticized for Tepid Response to Syrian Refugee Crisis"
"(...) The Arab nations of the Persian Gulf have some the world’s highest per capita incomes.(...)
And wealthy Gulf citizens — with or without their governments’ knowledge — have helped fund the rise of Syria’s jihadists, according to American officials.(...)
This week, the Kuwaiti commentator Fahad Alshelaimi said in a TV interview that his country was too expensive for refugees, but appropriate for laborers.
You can’t welcome people from another environment and another place who have psychological or nervous system problems or trauma and enter them into societies,” he said.(...)"
--> ... .html?_r=0
The irony is the rich gulf states are in a way pragmatic.
" Syrians gang-rape teenage girl in Jordan refugee camp"
(...) Three Syrian men have gang-raped a 14-year-old girl in Jordan's Zaatari refugee camp,(...)
"This brings the total number of sexual assaults at the camp to 10 since the beginning of this year," Hmud said.(...)
Jordan is home to more than 500,000 refugees, including around 120,000 in Zaatari, which is located in the north of the country near the Syrian border.(...)"
--> ... =524274fb5

" Syria Has a Massive Rape Crisis"
(...) rape has been reportedly used widely as a tool of control, intimidation, and humiliation throughout the conflict. And its effects, while not always fatal, are creating a nation of traumatized survivors (...)
the Syrian-American Medical Society, and Syrian activists and journalists, has documented and collected data to figure out where and how women and men are being violated in Syria's war.(...)
Gang rape allegedly occurred in 40 percent of the reports about women. (...)
All the women are having nightmares, Kanawati said; all have PTSD.(...)
Men are more than just witnesses to sexualized violence in Syria; they are experiencing it directly as well.(...)
--> ... is/274583/

Syrian refugees in Europe brought with them the horrors of war.
The New Year's Eve events in Germany, Finland, Austria and Switzerland are there to prove it.
Without forgetting Sweden which is known to accept a lot of refugees for many years.

Angela Merkel and her accomplices ( in Germany and France) have made everything to hide the mass sexual assault that happened in Cologne;
and after the scandal went rapidly into the light, she tried again to cover herself and her mistakes making people to believe that the mass sexual assault was in fact made exclusively by north-africans.
" Merkel ally threatens legal action over refugee policy."
(...) Merkel's popularity has dropped since the assaults, a poll showed on Friday.(...)
Senior figures from the Social Democrats (SPD), Merkel's second coalition partner, have also broken ranks in recent days by challenging her welcoming approach to asylum seekers.(...)
Merkel has vowed to "measurably reduce" arrivals this year, but has refused to introduce a cap,(...)"
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Hannibal DeCarthage
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Re: The refugees coming to Europe

Post by Hannibal DeCarthage »

"(...) le New York Times appelle à la démission de Merkel

(...) Le New York Times classé comme « libéral » aux États-Unis (de gauche en Europe) prend généralement, et presque systématiquement, position pour les clandestins et les migrants.
(...) Voir un éditorialiste de ce journal se prononcer clairement pour le rapatriement de la majorité des migrants subis/voulus par l’Allemagne mérite donc attention.
(...) il admet que les déplacements de population qu’a connu l’année 2015 (plus d’un million de demandeurs d’asile en Allemagne sur l’année et le flot continue) changent le paradigme et font entrer le problème migratoire dans ce qu’il appelle « des territoires inconnus ».
(...) Les nouveaux arrivants étant des hommes jeunes (11 hommes pour une femme en Suède) on peut attendre un « effet transformateur » sur une société où les moins de 40 ans seront bientôt pour près de la moitié originaires d’Afrique et du Moyen-Orient… Cette population importera ainsi son mode de vie, son rapport à la femme
(...) les « pêchés passés de l’Allemagne ne peuvent être absous par un humanitarisme irréfléchi », il appelle également au départ de Merkel pour que le continent européen ne souffre pas trop de sa folie (...)"
--> ... de-merkel/

Il y a une arrogance et une froideur chez Angela Merkel que de plus en plus de gens commencent à discerner.
C' est inquiétant pour l' Allemagne mais aussi pour l' Europe.

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The Spider
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Re: The refugees coming to Europe


Anyway Hannibal DeCarthage, this forum is not the "Washington post" and I think you do a bit too much of "propaganda" for your personal ideas !!!

“Nobody is jealous of the losers, only the winners attract the jealousy and hatred of idiots. That explains who my enemies are!”
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Hannibal DeCarthage
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Re: The refugees coming to Europe

Post by Hannibal DeCarthage »

The attachment IMG_5814.JPG is no longer available
Anyway Hannibal DeCarthage, this forum is not the "Washington post" and I think you do a bit too much of "propaganda" for your personal ideas !!!

Issue is Merkel is making big mistakes and minorities are already paying the price.
People should be aware of the clear and present danger that Merkel represents. :geek:

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Re: The refugees coming to Europe


Did you read my post ???

“Nobody is jealous of the losers, only the winners attract the jealousy and hatred of idiots. That explains who my enemies are!”
I feel 2024 will be my best year ever !!!

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Re: The refugees coming to Europe

Post by klausmueller »

‘German girls are just there for sex’ What migrant told woman as he groped her in street ...: ... ees-Merkel

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Re: The refugees coming to Europe

Post by Karmafan »

Here in the states you don't even hear a word about these sex assaults. Most people in America don't even know its going on.

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The Spider
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Re: The refugees coming to Europe


Send a sms to Trump !!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

“Nobody is jealous of the losers, only the winners attract the jealousy and hatred of idiots. That explains who my enemies are!”
I feel 2024 will be my best year ever !!!

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