Comment and ask everything about each auditioned girls during the Woodman Casting X. Exclusive informations inside.
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Post by zigfieldfollies »

She must (and should) cost a fortune to be exclusive, and if we want to help keep it that way, we should "speak up" by supporting Pierre with subscriptions, which I must admit, I only do occasinally!!

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The Spider
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This is a good sentence, and you are right !!!
2013 has been a good year better than 2012 reason why I have pushed a lot this year in production but unfortunately 2014 ( especialy the last 2 months have been a disaster with a december the badest since 4 years ).
So yes you expect all of you, a lot of new faces, new updates, new, new, new but all cost a lot and without your support the site is like a car without gas ...
I have other business than porn very successfull on the edge and I do all this by passion, revenge, fun, etc ... but there are limits in everything when it become a lost.
The piracy strangle our industry, tubes owners does amazing money with stolen contents but also re-invests a part in legal websites where lot of people paid for. It destroys our industry. A part of the models he has got this year was convinced by me to do this job, and where is the interest for me to see thieves become richer because of my efforts if on top the people give them their money instead of me ???

But I don't want be just negative in that day, yesterday I had a long discussion with Viola and she has agreed with the possibility I could show you the full casting action between us. But of course this is something with a price and I just hope it will be not a suicide for me to make it for you guy !!!
I also wish give you a new video every month with Viola, but it's also something I will do only if I have your full support ...

“Nobody is jealous of the losers, only the winners attract the jealousy and hatred of idiots. That explains who my enemies are!”
I feel 2024 will be my best year ever !!!

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Post by damix »

A présent les choses sont clair au moins...

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Post by yabbadabbadoo83 »

Very sorry to hear the piracy is on the winning hand. Very bad!! But I am outrageously happy that we will get to see the full Viola casting!! Yes, yes, yes!!

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Post by french22 »

bonjour pierre je suis a fond derriere toi. meme si je doit mettre un bonus d argent en plus de mon abbonement pour viola pas de soucis ma carte bleu est prete tien bon pierre je sais ses le combat du pot terre contre le pot de fer avec les pirates . ou alor fait un endroit VIP sur ton site ou certaine video exclusive pour les membres payent d avance sur commande un truc comme sa. est aussi tous tes membres qui ont un twitter sa serai bien qu il te fasse une bonne pub ou relayer tes news moi ses que je fait je t aide comme je peu . j ai pas envie tu ferme tes une legende mec lache rien .

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Post by Darren73 »

pierre i have always admired your work and will continue to do so till the day i leave this earth. The arrival of Viola has been great and everyone has the same opinion that she is beautiful in every way. However long she decides to stay the Industry is her decision i just hope we can get lots of scenes done from her and hopefully all from you. Having just watched the Latest scene it was great viewing and i bet David perry will remember that sex for a long time. By the way is Rose Delight the girlfriend of David. With regards to the privacy issue yes this is a serious matter i was happy to see the news that the piratebay and its other proxy sites have been taken offline so i do think that will make a difference to the content going up on torrent sites. You mention the boss of Xvideos and he is boss of Legalporno if he is allowing your content to be uploaded onto xvideos then sue him does he allow content from legalporno to be uploaded onto xvideos i bet he doesnt. Whatever we can do to help you pierre we will and we hope 2015 will not be your last year because porn would not be the same with out you and im sure i speak for all the people on here and your many fans around the world. You brought us Viola in 2014 and we all love her so keep doing the good work.Thank you. :)

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I will fight guys, as I always did but better with a good army of fans behind me, it helps a lot to feel happy every morning !!!

“Nobody is jealous of the losers, only the winners attract the jealousy and hatred of idiots. That explains who my enemies are!”
I feel 2024 will be my best year ever !!!

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Post by Gekk0 »

Pierre, look into your "to be continued" list. space between updates should not be longer that 3 months. If you don't think you can achieve that, don't say "to be continued". You can do 10 girls a day 5 days a week, but if you keep losing subscribers because of this long period between updates, you will be the only one watching your vids. But that is other stuff, your pacing with Viola updates is fantastic.

About piracy, the problem will never go away. all businessmen deal with piracy in one form or another, and this is always true in this "Information Age". So stop whining about it PW. You are not losing members because if it, trust me, because none of us need to subscribe to your WCX to get what you put up. Viola's latest was available in the torrent networks within 3 hours of you putting it up. The only way to stop piracy is to not put any content up. This is a fact. I know 16 year-olds who can hack into top security locations and extract data just for fun.

We, your subscribers, subscribe because we want to support your work, we are "patrons" of your art. ignoring us, or continuing to do things that make us unhappy, will not help you to combat piracy. Keeping us happy, and continuing to offer us value will ensure WCX longevity.

But you already know this all along right Pierre? :mrgreen:

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Post by french22 »

salut je voit pas en quoi gueuler parce que se faire volait son travail est le dire ses pleurnicher est l histoire de mettre a jour 50 filles la semaines donc 200 par mois :lol: :lol: :lol: est combien dans le lot vont lui demander des sommes de folies. ou combien vont changer d avis au dernier moments pour plus liberer leur scenes resultat perte de temps est d argent. vaut mieut se concentrer sur un nombre raisonnable de filles qui joueront le jeu . est securiser tous sa correctement. est ne pas poster tout le contenue moi je dit non ses pas la serie dallas ou sa coupe au meilleur moment lol la rien tel pour enerver se qui paye car faudra attendre le mois prochain .tout sa ses que mon avis est je n est surtout pas voulu repondre a ta place pierre .est ses amicale comme avis que j ai aussi envers gekko qui est membre aussi

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Post by dax88 »

Pierre you are a myth and I hope it continues forever. Violaa and beautiful and I hope we can do more and more scenes with updates at this rate

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