Who wanna earn 100 000 euros ???

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Re: Who wanna earn 100 000 euros ???

Post by randydt1 »

why you want give money mine to he ? paid me please no him

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Re: Who wanna earn 100 000 euros ???


Look Mr Randi mes couilles, I'm tired of you and I'm affraid it will be your last message here ... I unblock this thread for 12 days but anyway, I need also to kick the ass of any idiots who probably is Ricardo or maybe not be I don't care result is same .... bye Bye !!!

Now about this wonderful fake exchange of messages between Ricardo and me. Of course if you"re not a French citizen you can imagine I was writting to this man and I'm a liar etc ...
But you need to know :

1 - My english is bad we all know that but my french is at years light from those messages. It's obviously a fake because NEVER I'll write french with 10 errors by message.

2 - All people who are on Mac and use the mail system knows it's my face in the avatar and the same image since ...1999. For others users it's nothing but this blue W was never connected to me, never ...

3 - We don't know who is the model " I'M " ( :lol: ) speaking about but considering the one and only model Ricardo found in the era post Woodman has been Tricia Teen we can imagine it's her. So the question is, why should I propose the amount of 10 000 euros to a man I fired for having put pedophile image on a fake account of Sophie Linx, ( excuse me for her but if I refused pay 3500 euros for the first anal of Liya Silver I seriously doubt I will invest 10 K on Tricia teen and also take the risk to break my collaboration with BB agency to whom I promise in April 2013, I will never work again with Ricardo )
And as you know guys, Tricia Teen worked for me few months later via BB agency and for the regular price.

4 - I know Ricardo is stubborn like a jackass, but still, the whole city of Budapest knows that in 1945 he would have sold his whole family for 10 deutchmark and would even have taken care of the delivery, so money is the only thing he likes on this earth ( it explains why Stephane Pacaud and him get along so well ) therefore see him refuse 10,000 euros when he had no money in pocket and without Leyla Peachbloom he would have eaten stones, it's a joke that no one can believe !!!

5 - Anyway I'm happy about those fakes visuals, it means a lot for me. Recently I did a complain to a company about the possibility some people after Private went bought will probabily start create fake papers in order try make me troubles, we have here a perfect sample of it. I hope the person I am thinking about will use a better forger than Ricardo because those emails are made at the level of a first school person !!!

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Re: Who wanna earn 100 000 euros ???


And today thank you, I can add a 6th paragraph ...

6 - Well done but making a video was a mistake for you I think ...
Capture d’écran 2020-05-13 à 13.46.33.png
I asked some very "informed" people about hacking etc a mail box.
They told me it's a great job, done few years ago ( you already published these images on EBI in 2015 ) which will be impossible to re-create in 2020 as Yahoo and Gmail have upgraded their rules. But in past it was possible except you did a mistake :
The red lock ... it's the formal proove it's a fake !!!
The grammatical errors was already an obvious proof of a fake but now the video shows it even more !!!
But a friend of mine found another mistake. I never have had the signature " send from my Iphone". In 2014/2015 my signature was " send from my Iphone 6 plus " because I had an Iphone 6 plus :
Since I get my first iphone with this type of mention "send from my Iphone" automaticaly written at the end of the email, I put the model ...

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Re: Who wanna earn 100 000 euros ???

Post by Apollo13 »

Do you mean he hacked your mailbox or that he send the mail to himself with a false sender address?

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Re: Who wanna earn 100 000 euros ???


Nobody hacked my mail box just the mail was send to himself with a forged sender adress.
Here is the proof he did it !!! He post it today on LP forum:
"code3.hu has send the message but did not encrypted it." :lol: :lol: :lol:

Since when does Yahoo email are sent from "code3.hu" website ?
Click on it and you'll find a lot of informations connected to a webmaster ZSOLT KO..... who did the job for Ricardo website in past. Well done buddy ...

And I also would like clarified again a point on another subject they love mention on Legal Porno ( should I say Analvids ??? ) forum !!!
Capture d’écran 2020-05-13 à 18.01.35.png
Yes I had sex with an actress, Djiana
Few months later my first son met her, they became lover then they married few years later in Paris so she became my step-daughter.
What can I do ??? It's like if my new born son will will marry in 2040 with Shona River, ( I take this sample because she always makes the joke she will take him as husband as soon he will be 20 years old !!! :lol: :lol: :lol: ).
As you have all seen here, until they were together I never did comments about sex or even put a video with her on my site. After they divorce, and because my son did not care, I published the visual and confirmed I did her initiation ( you can see in the screen capture above it's 8 years between the two comments I did about the time she was part of the family and speaking about what happened before she was in family ).
I could have lied about the fact I did it but why ??? Where is the crime, what is wrong with this ??? Not me who had a love story with her after she worked for me, and until my son feel cool about her past it doesn't concern me ...
But yes Ricardo and Blue Shaddow loves use this, thinking it looks like if I was going the night to fuck my step-daughter in the back of my son !!! Sorry guys, I am NOT this kind of father and my children and me we never have had troubles because they know who rise them up and are proud of me !!!



Ps : I really feel I'll need to put the real name and adress near Milano of Blueshaddow if this guy continue to play his game against me on LP forum ...
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Re: Who wanna earn 100 000 euros ???

Post by Jean »

Tu penses que ton fils avait bien fait d'épouser cette Djiana ou bien c''était une connerie de base voué à l'échec de sa part ? Je ne l'a connait pas du tout cette fille, ni pourquoi leur couple à foiré, donc je demande, comme tu es mieux placé pour en parler, si c'est trop sensible d'en dire plus, pas grave

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Re: Who wanna earn 100 000 euros ???


Perso je n'étais pas pour cette union mais c'est une histoire qui a durée 11 ans donc on peut dire que c'était du sérieux.
La plupart des humains ont du mal à faire 3 ans ensemble ...
De toute les façons mon fils avait 21 ans quand il a démarré son idylle avec elle, il connaissait tous les paramètres et cela n'a pas freiné son coeur.
Il a tourné la page, refait sa vie avec une fille géniale que j'apprécie beaucoup et qui, elle, n'a strictement rien à voir avec le X mais je ne crois pas que le fait d'avoir fait ou pas fait du X importe pour lui comme pour moi. On est capable de juger les femmes et de les aimer non pas pour ce qu'elles ont fait mais pour ce qu'elles sont ...

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Re: Who wanna earn 100 000 euros ???

Post by tobasmina »

Sérieux pierre tu a tout mon respect te voir combattre des gens capables de tout comme ça et n’ayant aucune limite ça montre je pense ta force de caractère et ta résilience perso je suis quelqu’un d’assez fragile psychologiquement et je sais que voir ma famille attaquer comme ça et des photos divulguées d’eux, m’aurait déjà fais sombré ou clairement fait faire une dépression, et te voir dans tes vidéos toujours sourire faire des blagues rigoler profité de la vie que ça soit en solo ou avec ton fils ( la photo de toi et ton fils entrain de regarder le tennis dans ton jardin m’avais grandement touché) me donne de l’espoir et me fais vraiment m’évader et décompresser

Pour moi être abonné à ton site n’est pas un simple achat de service c’est un acte militant, si tu rate nous ratons tous sache le

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Re: Who wanna earn 100 000 euros ???


Merci ça fait du bien de savoir que les gens comprennent à quel point il y a une belle bande de voyoux en face !!!

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Re: Who wanna earn 100 000 euros ???


Capture d’écran 2020-05-15 à 20.24.16.png
Tiens quand on parle de voyoux ... le boss Mr Pacaud perd les cales pieds en live !!!
Aprés un "joli post bien sympa" sur moi, comme il y en a des milliers sur son forum,
il pense que j'ai besoin de EBI pour tracer une IP adress sur MON FORUM !!!
Et en plus je n'ai jamais mentionné le nom ni l'adresse de Blue Shaddow nulle part ...
D'abord EBI ne m'a JAMAIS donné d'informations sur personne ( dans le passé j'ai supplié ces gens de me dire qui était Stemcell et jamais il ne me l'ont dit )
Mais c'est amusant de voir à quel point Pacaud aka XXX qui n'a aucun problème pour laisser des infos confidentiels sur mes gosses être publiées dans son forum, pique une crise dés que je tape du pied et lui fout les flics au cul.
Encore un faux pas de plus cher Stephane !!!
Tu verras bientôt que le vent va souffler très fort sur Prague. Tu as le temps de faire tes valises rassures toi mais je te donne ma parole que tu répondras un jour devant la justice pour ce que tu as fait et continue de faire !!! Rien que d'avoir construit ton empire financier en volant les videos des gens comme moi mérite la taule. Tu as la chance que les lois internationales sont mal foutus mais c'est en train de changer et ce n'est qu'une question de temps avant que ton passé ne te rattrappe !!!
Tu es un lâche, tu voles les gens, tu uses ma famille pour essayer d'avoir une influence sur moi pour que je cesse de dénoncer toutes les saletés que toi, via tes sociètés WGCZ / GTFLIX, tu te permets de faire en te croyant intouchable à Prague depuis 2012.
Le karma va te chuchotter dans l'oreille un jour quand la justice va te convoquer et qu'il n'y aura plus un endroit pour te planquer ( c'est en cours ) !!!
Je t'ai demandé d'arrêter de foutre toutes les pires choses sur ma famille et moi-même dans ton forum pourri, j'ai même en Novembre 2019 enlevé de mon forum TOUT ce qui concernait les histoires de syphilis, des filles non payées, malmenées etc ... par rapport à Legal Porno. Et toi, en bon traite de toujours, en te planquant derrière ton pseudo XXX tu as redoublé de violence sur ton forum au lieu d'être honnête et cesser de tirer sur quelqu'un de désarmé. Tu as incité Ricardo et tous les autres pantins à aller de plus en plus loin, tu as REFUSE de modérer ton forum. Il a fallu que j'aille porter plainte en Fevrier et que les flic téléphonent chez DDF Budapest pour que tu retires une image de ma fille, volée sur un compte privée, sur laquelle elle avait 15 ans.
Et puis rebelotte on en remet une couche on montre son lieu de travail et on laisse Ricardo marquer qu'il serait bon d'aller lui faire ce que son père fait dans les videos.
Je n'ai JAMAIS fais de choses comme ça sur mon forum et je ne le ferai jamais.
J'ai même révélé ton visage pour la première juste maintenant à cause de ton manque de respect vis à vis de ma famille, alors que j'ai cette image depuis des années dans mes archives sur toi ( et j'en ai beaucoup depuis plus de 10 ans ).
Tu n'es pas un homme Stephane Michael Pacaud, tu es un être dépourvu de la moindre
part d'humanité qui n'aime que lui même et pense être supèrieur à l'humanité toute entière. Ton argent certe t'offre des possibilitées illimitées, tu as des avocats très puissants et pourtant à ce jour le petit auvergnat sans rien faire ou presque à gagné à chaque fois.
Là, je suis passé à la vitesse supèrieure et tu vas bientôt voir la difference entre un auvergnat qui défend ses positions parce qu'il a trop de boulot et ne fait rien où presque ( et gagne quand même jusqu'en cassation !!!) avec un auvergnat en colère qui passe à l'attaque.

Well when we talk about thugs ... the boss Mr Pacaud loses the toe clips in live !!!
After a "nice post very nice" about me, as there are thousands on his forum,
he thinks that I need EBI to trace an IP address on MY FORUM !!!
Besides, I never mentioned the name or the address of Blue Shaddow anywhere ...
First EBI NEVER gave me information about anyone (in the past I begged these people to tell me who Stemcell was and they never told me)
But it's fun to see how Pacaud aka XXX who has no problem letting confidential information about my kids be published in his forum, goes into crisis as soon as I stamp the ground with my foot and send the cops behind his ass.
Another wrong step Mr Stephane !!!
You will soon see that the wind will blow very hard over Prague. You have time to pack your bags don't worry but I give you my word that you will one day to face the justice for what you have done and continue to do !!! Just having built your financial empire by stealing videos from people like me, deserves the jail. You are lucky that international laws about internet are badly made but it is changing and it is only a matter of time before your past catches up with you !!!
You are a coward, you steal people, you use my family to try to have an influence on me so that I stop denouncing all the filth that you, via your companies WGCZ / GTFLIX, you allow yourself to do by believing yourself untouchable in Prague since 2012.
Karma will whisper in your ear one day when justice will summon you and there will no longer be a place to hide you (it's in progress) !!!
I asked you to stop tell all the worst things about my family and myself in your rotten forum, I even in November 2019 removed from my forum ALL what concerned the stories of syphilis, unpaid girls , mistreated etc ... related to Legal Porno. And you, in good cowards, by hiding behind your pseudo XXX you have redoubled violence on your forum instead of being honest and stop shooting someone unarmed. You encouraged Ricardo and all the other puppets to go further and further, you REFUSED to moderate your forum. I had to go and file a complaint in February until the cops called DDF Budapest so that you could remove an image of my daughter, stolen from a private account, on which she was 15 years old.
And then now 2 month later you put picture of her again, showing her place of work and you let Ricardo write that it would be good to go and do to her what his father does in the videos.
I have NEVER done things like that on my forum and I never will.
I even revealed your face for the first time just now because of your lack of respect for my family, when I have had this image for years in my archives on you (and I have had many thing about your hidden business for more 10 years).
You are not a man Stephane Michael Pacaud, you are a being devoid of the slightest
part of humanity which loves only himself and thinks he is superior to all humanity. Your money certainly offers you unlimited possibilities, you have very powerful lawyers and yet to this day the little Man from Auvergne without doing nothing beat you in court each time.
Now, I moved up a gear and you will soon see the difference between a man from Auvergne who defends his positions because he has too much work and does almost nothing (and still wins until supreme court !!!) with an angry man from Auvergne who decide to attacks.

“Nobody is jealous of the losers, only the winners attract the jealousy and hatred of idiots. That explains who my enemies are!”
I feel 2024 will be my best year ever !!!
