The refugees coming to Europe

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Re: The refugees coming to Europe

Post by Eintracht »

And we in America got too many problems ourselves this time.
Thats true, especially if a clown like Donald Trump gets the majority you are really fucked. :shock:
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Re: The refugees coming to Europe

Post by Bubbasaurus »

Anyone that gets to DC will keep fucking us. I don't believe in politicians of any kind. I believe on my loaded automatic weapons, the constitutional right our US forefathers left so we can defend ourselves from the government, and any internal and external enemies. That is the right to bear arms and to form regular militias.
I have more than 2000 reported positive hits from my time in the military and I am a lawyer, so I know how to use my puppies and I know the laws that let me use them.
They are the only thing that will keep me and my family safe in this end of the world we getting ourselves into. We are all animals living in a jungle that is burning to ashes, and the top apex-predator will always prevail. Humankind is marching to extinction, but people going to buy themselves a lot of trouble before they can get ME AND MINE extinct, lol.

Democracy only worked in America from all the other places in the world, and even here it doesn't work anymore. Stupid people have lots of time to breed, while smart people are working to pay taxes so the stupid and their kids can live for free on government money and free public services. So, the number of stupid people in the world is growing geometrically while smart people are disappearing. That is why democracy can't be fixed.
God, Guns and Guts that is how America was built. And Booze, Bullets and Babes are the only things I need while I die defending it. That is Ole Dirty South style.

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Re: The refugees coming to Europe

Post by trinity »

Bubbasaurus wrote: So, we won't be able to save your asses this time as we did in WWI, WWII and during the Cold War. I will dying by my porch here in Florida shooting socialist invaders and their dems govt pals with my automatic rifles, before they take my property.
i prey that your government don't "save" our asses. US allready "saved" all worlds asses with those wars from 2001. till today and now middle east looks like big barrel of gunpowder ready to explode and thousands of refugees are coming to europe. pls don't save us again...

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Re: The refugees coming to Europe

Post by Karmafan »

Bubbasaurus wrote:Anyone that gets to DC will keep fucking us. I don't believe in politicians of any kind. I believe on my loaded automatic weapons, the constitutional right our US forefathers left so we can defend ourselves from the government, and any internal and external enemies. That is the right to bear arms and to form regular militias.
I have more than 2000 reported positive hits from my time in the military and I am a lawyer, so I know how to use my puppies and I know the laws that let me use them.
They are the only thing that will keep me and my family safe in this end of the world we getting ourselves into. We are all animals living in a jungle that is burning to ashes, and the top apex-predator will always prevail. Humankind is marching to extinction, but people going to buy themselves a lot of trouble before they can get ME AND MINE extinct, lol.

Democracy only worked in America from all the other places in the world, and even here it doesn't work anymore. Stupid people have lots of time to breed, while smart people are working to pay taxes so the stupid and their kids can live for free on government money and free public services. So, the number of stupid people in the world is growing geometrically while smart people are disappearing. That is why democracy can't be fixed.
God, Guns and Guts that is how America was built. And Booze, Bullets and Babes are the only things I need while I die defending it. That is Ole Dirty South style.
Two other factors are helping to destroy society and the world we live in. The 1st is the loss of a belief in God. When you were a kid you went to Church and learned the Ten Commandments. Now Church enrollment is dwindling and folks are not afraid of going to hell so crime and murder are everywhere. Kids now a days will shoot you and not even hesitate.

The second factor thats destroying society is Political Correctness Overload. Everyone is trying so hard to please all factions or groups that they are ruining their own countries. My country has tens of millions of illegal aliens and does not know how to handle the problem. The illegals are pushing for amnesty and anyone that raises even a hint that there might be deportations is met with thousands of protesters and their supporters. Now the US is offering to take hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees to live in the USA and we can't even afford to deal with the ones already here.

Middle class American families have drastically reduced the number of children they have because they cannot afford to raise and feed them. Yet many of the illegals and most of the Syrian Refugee families all have 8, 10, and 12 kids. At the rate we are going soon every corner of the entire world will be full of poor and destitute people instead of a small number of war torn countries that don't learn their lesson and stop making war or stop producing more children then they can feed (like Ethiopia)..

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Re: The refugees coming to Europe

Post by Bubbasaurus »

I will add to that the vilification of America. The powers that be, the families that control the world, they vilify not only America, but the values America stand for.
So, they "erase" the parts that are not convenient in history to make the US look like the villains, while the all sort of war criminals we fought are treated like heroes.
See, American revolution (our war of independence) was the first popular revolution in history. French revolution was an elite coup, where a part of aristocracy and an intellectual elite overthrew the absolute monarchy using the people as cannon-fodder only. Afterwards, the people had to do their own revolution and kill the elite during Robespierre's terror.
In America, WE the people, organized ourselves in militias and WE fought the battles, and WE decided the destinies of our war and our nation in town hall meetings all across the colonies.
And then we have people saying like that guy up there: "please, don't save our asses". Totally drank with the Illuminati Koolaid that wants to destroy and vilify all the values of real liberty America stands for.
Well, they erase the part that Germans had pretty much raped the loser asses of western European countries when our boys came to Europe in WWI. We turned the tide of that war.
Then comes WWII, and then they erase the part where WE, THE EVIL AMERICANS, kept not only Western nations, but also Soviet Union alive while Hitler's armies had beaten all of them to bloody pulps. Our freedom express, not only kept UK, the last western European bastion, floating with food, engines, weapons and such, but we also kept Soviet Union afloat with the same. WE, evil Americans, gave Stalin the industrial power he needed to be able to switch gears in Stalingrad and then go all the way to Berlin. Not even saying that THE WHOLE ALLIED COMMAND in the western front was American, and that OUR BOYS were the grunt force beating the wehrmacht and taking Fortress Europe.
And then WWII ends and comes the cold war, where Europeans were able to sell to Secretary Marshall that scarecrow, the Soviet Union red menace, so we poured hundreds of billions of free American money to REBUILD EUROPE. And Western European nations and Germany took that money, OUR TAXPAYERS MONEY, they got for free, to build the "welfare" states they have, with all those free public services.
If there was no Marshall plan, and no American money, the situation in Europe would still be so bad up to today that we would have today probably the Europeans dying in the Mediterranean to get to Africa, and not the other way around.
But we Americans are evil. We should have left the Europeans alone, they "didn't ask" for our help, we had to fight a war in two fronts, against Japan and in Europe, because of our big stick noses. We should have left them alone to rebuild from the ruins of a war they fought against themselves, and we shouldn't have spent Marshall's plan hundreds of billions of American money to help them rebuild (just as a matter of curiosity, the hundreds of billions of dollars we GAVE FOR FREE to Europe after WWII measure up to TRILLIONS of dollars in today's money... Perhaps if we had used that money here in the US instead of giving away, WE could be the ones having free education, free healthcare, and huge public retirement plans for all, instead of the European countries that "didn't ask for our help"...) But, we Americans are evil...

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Re: The refugees coming to Europe

Post by trinity »

Bubbasaurus wrote:I will add...

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Re: The refugees coming to Europe

Post by Eintracht »

Bubba, the most frightening aspect is that psychos like you are legally allowed to own guns...
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Re: The refugees coming to Europe

Post by trinity »

Eintracht wrote:Bubba, the most frightening aspect is that psychos like you are legally allowed to own guns...

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Mark Marcus
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Post by Mark Marcus »

" The European nations are massively overwhelmed with the amount of Syrians that have sought refuge in the countries at great risk to their lives, while the Arab nations are much closer and far less hazardous to reach. However, these refugees know better than to make the attempt, the Arabians have no desire nor intent to accept them."

" In fact, none of the six Arab Gulf countries (Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Oman, the UAE, Kuwait and Bahrain) have offered any help."

" Germany has been offered the grand gesture of the construction of 200 mosques in the country, paid for by Saudi Arabia."

" The fact that Saudi Arabia has a city capable of holding over 3 million people sitting empty has not gone unnoticed though. This city is populated with 100,000 air-conditioned, eight-by-eight meter fire-proof tents, with kitchen and bathroom facilities and stand empty for majority of the year."

" Despite widespread criticism and campaigns, it seems unlikely that the Arab states will change their position on admitting Syrian refugees."

Source : ... -refugees/
Just connect the dots. :ugeek:
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Re: The refugees coming to Europe

Post by woodyfan23 »

Let's guess when the first refugee-orchestrated terrorist attack will take place in Europe? :idea: :idea: :idea:

My bet is summer 2016. A massive one. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

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