The refugees coming to Europe

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Re: The refugees coming to Europe


Sad ...

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Re: The refugees coming to Europe

Post by Kopf »

because you posted a Picture of this Bodybuilder type of refugee I remember a Video of a train from Budapest to munich, where a german who spoke some arabic interviewed some refugees and one Gorilla type answered: "I am Mafia and had a small boat which I worked with people" and laughed.
I think we import many dangerous muslims into europe.

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Re: The refugees coming to Europe


Nouvelle campagne de Budapest contre les migrants

Le gouvernement hongrois a lancé, mercredi 20 juillet, une nouvelle salve de messages hostiles aux migrants, notamment sur le thème du terrorisme et des violences envers les femmes, dans le cadre de sa campagne autour du référendum d’octobre sur la répartition des réfugiés dans l’Union européenne (UE).

Les messages ont été présentés sur le site Internet du gouvernement et apparaissaient déjà mercredi dans quelques journaux proches de la majorité. Ils seront relayés prochainement « sur des affiches, dans la presse écrite, des spots télévisés, à la radio et sur Internet », précise le gouvernement qui a déjà lancé à plusieurs reprises des campagnes publiques contre les demandeurs d’asile, notamment en juin et décembre 2015, ainsi qu’au printemps.

« Le saviez-vous ? Les attentats de Paris ont été commis par des migrants ? », allègue un des slogans à propos des attentats du 13 novembre 2015, qui ont été commis par une dizaine d’hommes, dont deux s’étaient mêlés au flot de réfugiés syriens et irakiens de l’été 2015.
D’autres affirmations suivent : « Le saviez-vous ? Les abus contre les femmes ont augmenté de manière exponentielle depuis le début de la vague migratoire en Europe » ; « Le saviez-vous ? Plus de 300 personnes sont mortes en Europe depuis le début de la vague migratoire » ; « Le saviez-vous ? Bruxelles veut que nous recevions un nombre de migrants équivalant à la taille d’une ville » ; « Le saviez-vous ? Rien que de Libye, un million de réfugiés attendent de venir en Europe ».
« Répandre une xénophobie absolue à travers le pays »

Le journal d’opposition a condamné une campagne dont « l’objectif n’est autre que de répandre une xénophobie absolue et sans limite à travers le pays ».

Le gouvernement de Viktor Orban, opposé au mécanisme des quotas de répartition de réfugiés dans les pays de l’UE, a appelé les Hongrois à se prononcer le 2 octobre sur ce sujet lors d’un référendum. Budapest a précisé ces dernières semaines que la consultation ne portait pas sur le plan de relocalisation, adopté en septembre 2015, de 160 000 demandeurs d’asile à travers les 28 Etats membres mais sur des projets « futurs » de l’UE, non encore votés, visant à pérenniser ce mécanisme de répartition.

Le premier ministre hongrois, qui juge la politique européenne d’immigration trop permissive, se pose régulièrement en défenseur de « la civilisation européenne ».

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Re: The refugees coming to Europe

Post by Karmafan »

If the migrants came to a country and intergrated into the country and became good citizens it would be one thing. But they come to a country and want to have their country (with their Islamic values and way of life) in your country and turn your country into a satellite of theirs. They treat women as objects slightly better then cattle. The women are just property. Thats why on New Years Eve there was so much rape and pillaging going on.

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Re: The refugees coming to Europe


Yes I see a recent report about Christmas in germany, now they have over 2000 confirmed sex assault that night. It's insane ...

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Re: The refugees coming to Europe

Post by mundl123654 »

Current Situtaion 22.07.2016:

At the acts in several German cities for more than 2000 men allegedly involved, says police sources. So far only 120 of them found - and that could remain so.

New Year's Eve more than 1,200 women have become victims of sexual offenses in Cologne, Hamburg, Stuttgart and other German cities. This is according to information from NDR, WDR and Süddeutsche Zeitung clear from the draft of a final balance sheet of the Federal. According to estimates from police circles more than 2,000 men were involved; but according to the report only 120 suspects were identified.

"We have to assume that many of these acts are no longer ausermittelt also in the aftermath," BKA president Holger Münch said the research group. Since it is the opinion of the BKA to a new crime phenomenon in Germany, officials have collected all the information about attacks by groups in public spaces to Silvester.

Throughout Germany, the result of the BKA survey, there were 642 pure sexual offenses, 47 suspects were identified. In so-called combination offenses - when sexual offenses were associated with about theft - counted the Bundeskriminalamt 239 offenses were identified 73 suspects. Most suspects should come from North Africa.

Some of these crimes several women have been affected. So the BKA comes to a number of total about 1,200 victims of sexual assault: about 650 in Cologne, more than 400 in Hamburg and other in Stuttgart, Dusseldorf and other places.

Sexualstrafrecht Maybe you figured now that a grip on the butt is not a compliment

Maybe you figured now that a grip on the butt is not a compliment
Opponents of reform now adopted sexual offenses have led three points into the field. One is nonsense, one to take uncomfortable and the third seriously. Comment by Tanja rest more ...
It was about assaults in groups, more than 2,000 men were likely involved in the crimes, officials estimate that have contributed to the BKA study. According to the BKA is held about half of the suspects for less than one year in Germany. Münch: "In this respect there is already a relationship between the occurrence of the phenomenon and the strong immigration just in 2015."

So far there have been only four convictions for sexual offenses from the New Year's Eve. In Dusseldorf and Nürtingen prison sentences were imposed. In Cologne, two men were sentenced to probation. In each case an acquittal there was in Cologne and Hamburg. In Hamburg, the courts have also since been released all suspects in pre-trial detention for information of NDR, WDR and BR. As reasons for the sobering criminal record, the BKA provides "determination barriers": There have been no visual material, the women could describe the perpetrators poorly.

The actions in the various cities were probably not planned in advance and agreed. "We have no evidence to" Munch said. Shortly after New Year's Federal Justice Minister Heiko Maas had spoken yet of "organized crime".

As a consequence of the encroachments Münch calls for more police presence and video surveillance. The results of the BKA, which were compiled by the Federal-State Working Group "New Year" will be published shortly. A 50-page draft report is the countries before the vote.

We don't NEED more Police presence, we Need lees ISLAM.

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Re: The refugees coming to Europe


First of all we need less extremist and probabily less immigration with better integration for those who are here.
After that for sure situation can be only better ...
Look New York city, it was a mess until Rudolph Giuliani takes all in hands seriously and now you have millions of people leaving in peace and very well integrated ( even if sadly at this precise moment some racism issue in other part of USA make some tension)
So we need a man or women like that in France and Germany to clean up problems ...

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Re: The refugees coming to Europe


A friend of mine send me this today : ... rants.html

Maybe our politics could understand why the tourist boycott Paris ...

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Re: The refugees coming to Europe

Post by E L E C T R E »

Woooow dat thread...! Will come back read it when I've got free time, I'm curious...

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Re: The refugees coming to Europe

Post by Kopf »

"Is this Africa?" - Japanese Girl goes on Paris vacation for her VLOG, can't believe her Eyes

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