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Post by JDR »

pierro wrote:
Thu Oct 20, 2022 3:28 pm
JDR wrote:
Thu Oct 20, 2022 1:56 pm
Russia is a winner nation, they are not the 2nd best army but the FIRST best army - no nation has anywhere near same level of success in land war than Russia
Just can't stop laughing.
Finland in 1940 can confirm this, Ukraine will do the same very soon.
Thats the Finland, created by Russia and ruled by Russia from 1809-1917, easily?
USSR was pissing all over Finland at the time Finnish Nazis signed peace agreement in Winter War. You do realise where Karelia is now, and where it was before 1940? LOL

Anyway, Mannerheim, who lead the Finnish Nazis against USSR, was more Russian than he was a Finn. Traitors and parasites describes all the losers who have gone against Russia from Eastern Europe.

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Post by pierro »

— russia does not plan to attack Ukraine.
— russia's plans do not include the occupation of Ukraine's regions.
— Mobilization is not necessary in russia.
- Martial law is not required.
📍You are here.
— Closure of the borders of the russian federation is not planned.

they lie at any level, from any drunk on the street to the first persons of the state.

Btw, russian publics are actively writing about the urgent evacuation from Kherson. steal and quickly take out everything they can.

"100 security cameras were stolen from Sweden, the same was shown on russian drones." ... -i-ukraina

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Post by milster »

pierro wrote:
Sat Oct 15, 2022 7:24 pm
About another lie from russian propaganda "always russian lands"

And of course it's Ukraine was made by Lenin :D :D :D

How can russian propaganda be so stupid, all their fakes easy to check now
The time is irrelevant, as both Ukrainians and Russians have ancestral claim on it. Also that country is called Kievan Rus, Russia is older than Ukraine nonetheless.

It's however ironic that both sides lie. You seem to think that Russia always lie. Then what about the West? The meaning of truth about everything is lost on them in the last 20 years!!

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pierro wrote:
Thu Oct 20, 2022 3:56 pm
— russia does not plan to attack Ukraine.
— russia's plans do not include the occupation of Ukraine's regions.
— Mobilization is not necessary in russia.
- Martial law is not required.
📍You are here.
— Closure of the borders of the russian federation is not planned.

they lie at any level, from any drunk on the street to the first persons of the state.

Btw, russian publics are actively writing about the urgent evacuation from Kherson. steal and quickly take out everything they can.

"100 security cameras were stolen from Sweden, the same was shown on russian drones." ... -i-ukraina
It's so stupid ...
Another great story build by occidental media's ...
Honestly why should Russians spy loss time, take risk etc to break radars to build "artisanal" drone while you can buy much better quality material in all shop or even stole it with fake or stolen CB !!!
It's another idiotic thing some moron are ready to believe.
Putin is ready to spend billions $ to buy drones from Iran but can't afford to find a way to have drone to spy in Norway or Sweden.
Hilarious ...

“Nobody is jealous of the losers, only the winners attract the jealousy and hatred of idiots. That explains who my enemies are!”
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Post by MVitaly5 »

Une journaliste française a été coupée par la télévision française dès qu'elle a commencé à rapporter que l'armée ukrainienne bombardait délibérément des zones résidentielles à Kherson....

Voilà pour la "vérité" occidentale unilatérale et la censure. C'est honteux !

On sait aujourd'hui que le MI6 britannique propose à Zelensky d'organiser une autre provocation, de faire une diversion en sabotant l'oléoduc d'ammoniac "Togliatti - Odessa" dans la région de Mykolayiv. Ils y ont déjà invité des journalistes étrangers afin d'accuser la Russie. Et ils veulent les distraire du sabotage de la centrale hydroélectrique de Kakhovskaya. Les Ukrainiens et l'OTAN ont rassemblé une armée et préparent une attaque à grande échelle sur Kherson. À cette fin, ils sont prêts à bombarder le barrage de la centrale hydroélectrique de Kakhovka et à inonder la ville. Afin de ne pas interférer avec l'armée et de ne pas ressembler aux Ukranazis qui se déguisent en civils, les dirigeants russes évacuent actuellement les civils de Kherson et les placent dans divers sanatoriums sur le territoire de la Russie. Des personnes avec leurs biens de première nécessité sont transportées sur des bacs et des traverses pour traverser le fleuve Dniepr. Ainsi, les médias occidentaux, dans leurs publications, désignent ces personnes et écrivent qu'elles sont des pilleurs russes. J'en ai déjà marre qu'ils mentent, et que le peuple russe les déteste. La nuit dernière, l'OTAN a tiré deux paquets de missiles et des HIMARS, directement sur le barrage. Douze missiles au total. La défense aérienne russe en a intercepté 11, et l'un d'eux a touché le point de passage. Quatre personnes ont été tuées et une a été blessée. Ils savent très bien qu'il n'y a pas d'armée russe là-bas, seulement des civils.

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Post by MVitaly5 »

Hypersonic weapons: "Dagger", "Zirkon", "Sarmat (Avangard)", they are in service only in Russia! Neither the USA, nor China have close to such nomenclature of hypersonic weapons, which are in service and already used.
These rockets are absolutely invulnerable to any modern means of air defense. These are high-tech weapons.

I wonder how much Russia had to "steal", chips from refrigerators and washing machines, as von der Leyen said, as well as high technology, and most importantly from whom? And why can't the U.S. and China also do it, since it is so easy? Probably because they do not have enough brains for that yet ...

I'm not even going to comment, another nonsense, this imbecile Pierro ...

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Post by JDR »

Fri Oct 21, 2022 11:58 am
pierro wrote:
Thu Oct 20, 2022 3:56 pm
— russia does not plan to attack Ukraine.
— russia's plans do not include the occupation of Ukraine's regions.
— Mobilization is not necessary in russia.
- Martial law is not required.
📍You are here.
— Closure of the borders of the russian federation is not planned.

they lie at any level, from any drunk on the street to the first persons of the state.

Btw, russian publics are actively writing about the urgent evacuation from Kherson. steal and quickly take out everything they can.

"100 security cameras were stolen from Sweden, the same was shown on russian drones." ... -i-ukraina
It's so stupid ...
Another great story build by occidental media's ...
Honestly why should Russians spy loss time, take risk etc to break radars to build "artisanal" drone while you can buy much better quality material in all shop or even stole it with fake or stolen CB !!!
It's another idiotic thing some moron are ready to believe.
Putin is ready to spend billions $ to buy drones from Iran but can't afford to find a way to have drone to spy in Norway or Sweden.
Hilarious ...


The Iranian drones are supposed to cost about 20k dollars.They could be licensed by Iran, but still manufactured in Russia - not that it matters much.

The worst dumbass idiocy has been about Russia "running out of missiles", despite production capacity being limitless for all types of armaments ( unlike the Ukraine, despite all the western management). There was bullshit about western sanctions disrupting the supply chain for manufacturing missiles ( emphasis on the guidance systems) - but Russia easily has the capacity to produce its own components for it, which should have been obvious from the start and is proven already.

BTW - Elon Musk, the worlds richest man, is clearly moving in pro-Russia direction, even if he won't admit if fully. Surely unlimited Russian female treasure awaits you if you back Russia against ukronazi regime?

Can I also ask if its normal business for Hungarian-based porno producers, or is there going to be big problems getting Russian models into Hungary with all these new restrictions?

Finally Pierre - where are the Latvians, or the ethnic Russian Latvians? Disappeared from porno completely, unfortunately

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Post by milster »

MVitaly5 wrote:
Fri Oct 21, 2022 12:56 pm
Hypersonic weapons: "Dagger", "Zirkon", "Sarmat (Avangard)", they are in service only in Russia! Neither the USA, nor China have close to such nomenclature of hypersonic weapons, which are in service and already used.
These rockets are absolutely invulnerable to any modern means of air defense. These are high-tech weapons.

I wonder how much Russia had to "steal", chips from refrigerators and washing machines, as von der Leyen said, as well as high technology, and most importantly from whom? And why can't the U.S. and China also do it, since it is so easy? Probably because they do not have enough brains for that yet ...

I'm not even going to comment, another nonsense, this imbecile Pierro ...
Don't bother. Some fools probably think that H3000 (or whatever is called) hypersonic missile is built from scraps.

It's pathetic claiming that Ukrainans have better equipment than Russians.

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Can I also ask if its normal business for Hungarian-based porno producers, or is there going to be big problems getting Russian models into Hungary with all these new restrictions?

Finally Pierre - where are the Latvians, or the ethnic Russian Latvians? Disappeared from porno completely, unfortunately
We can't have any new Russian girl FROM RUSSIA since more than a month now as EU doesn't delivery anymore Schengen tourist visa ...
So the plane at 1000 euros the ticket wasn't enough ... :( :( :(
It's pathetic claiming that Ukrainans have better equipment than Russians.
As I said I know ukrainian girls friends of mine having sex with US soldiers ... so I think it's not a fake news that Ukrainian "army" has very powerful material now.
In Czech Republic, they did a money collect and got over a million euros to buy a tank for Ukrain.

I invite everyone to read this in French and english ( article from Le Monde last year ) and see maybe "the light" !!! ... _3210.html

Les liaisons contrariées de Biden avec l’Ukraine
Le compromis américain sur le gazoduc russe Nord Stream 2 pèse sur la relation entre les deux présidents, qui doivent se rencontrer le 30 août.
Par Emmanuel Grynszpan
Publié le 13 août 2021 à 11h56

Après six mois de tentatives infructueuses, le président ukrainien, Volodymyr Zelensky, a finalement obtenu une audience, le 30 août, à Washington, auprès de son homologue américain, Joe Biden. La Maison Blanche n’a accordé son invitation qu’après avoir trouvé un terrain d’entente avec Berlin, pour lever les sanctions américaines contre le gazoduc russe Nord Stream 2. Un soufflet diplomatique pour Kiev, qui considère ce projet russe comme hostile et dangereux pour ses intérêts.
Lire aussi Article réservé à nos abonnés Gazoduc Nord Stream 2 : les Etats-Unis et l’Allemagne se mettent d’accord
Selon M. Zelensky, le gazoduc, qui contourne le territoire ukrainien, représente une « grave menace pour la sécurité » de son pays. « Nord Stream 2 va priver l’Ukraine de ses approvisionnements en gaz, ce qui signifie nous priver d’au moins 3 milliards de dollars [2,5 milliards d’euros] par an… Nous n’aurons rien à verser à l’armée ukrainienne », affirmait le président ukrainien devant un groupe de sénateurs américains, le 2 juin.
Moscou nie toute dimension politique au projet de gazoduc. Mais le discours tenu à la télévision d’Etat russe présente parfois le projet sous un autre jour. Une présentatrice vedette déclarait ainsi en 2019 : « On termine le Nord Stream 2, puis on écrase l’Ukraine ! »
« Pas de lune de miel »
Aujourd’hui, la construction du gazoduc, qui relie directement les territoires russe et allemand en traversant le lit de la mer Baltique, est quasi achevée. M. Biden a justifié la levée des sanctions américaines par « l’impossibilité » de l’arrêter, ainsi que par le désir de « réparer » les relations avec l’Allemagne, très attachée au projet en raison de ses besoins gaziers. Soucieuse toutefois de ménager Kiev, la chancelière allemande, Angela Merkel, a annoncé qu’elle se rendra en Ukraine le 22 août pour y rencontrer M. Zelensky.
Lire aussi La Russie annonce le début du retrait de ses troupes près de l’Ukraine
M. Biden a choisi d’ignorer son homologue ukrainien à plusieurs reprises durant sa tournée européenne, notamment lors du sommet de l’OTAN. Kiev réclame une intégration à l’alliance militaire transatlantique pour garantir sa sécurité. « Biden voulait régler le problème du gazoduc avant la visite de Zelensky, afin de ne pas avoir affaire au sujet bilatéral le plus irritant », analyse Alyona Getmanchuk, directrice du groupe de réflexion sur les affaires internationales New Europe Center, établi à Kiev.

Biden's thwarted liaisons with Ukraine
The American compromise on the Russian gas pipeline Nord Stream 2 weighs on the relationship between the two presidents, who are due to meet on August 30.
By Emmanuel Grynszpan
Published on August 13, 2021 at 11:56 am

After six months of unsuccessful attempts, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky finally obtained an audience on August 30 in Washington with his American counterpart, Joe Biden. The White House granted its invitation only after finding common ground with Berlin, to lift American sanctions against the Russian gas pipeline Nord Stream 2. A diplomatic slap in the face for kyiv, which considers this Russian project as hostile and dangerous for his interests.
Read also Article reserved for our subscribers Nord Stream 2 pipeline: the United States and Germany agree
Zelensky said the pipeline, which bypasses Ukrainian territory, poses a "serious security threat" to his country. "Nord Stream 2 is going to deprive Ukraine of its gas supplies, which means depriving us of at least $3 billion [2.5 billion euros] a year… We will not have to pay anything to the Ukrainian army,” the Ukrainian president told a group of US senators on June 2.
Moscow denies any political dimension to the gas pipeline project. But the speech given on Russian state television sometimes presents the project in a different light. A star presenter said in 2019: "We finish Nord Stream 2, then we crush Ukraine!" »
"No Honeymoon"
Today, the construction of the gas pipeline, which directly connects Russian and German territories by crossing the bed of the Baltic Sea, is almost complete. Mr. Biden justified the lifting of American sanctions by the "impossibility" of stopping it, as well as by the desire to "repair" relations with Germany, which is very attached to the project because of its gas needs. Anxious, however, to spare kyiv, German Chancellor Angela Merkel announced that she will travel to Ukraine on August 22 to meet Mr. Zelensky there.
Read also Russia announces start of troop withdrawal near Ukraine
Mr. Biden chose to ignore his Ukrainian counterpart on several occasions during his European tour, including during the NATO summit. kyiv is calling for integration into the transatlantic military alliance to guarantee its security. "Biden wanted to fix the pipeline issue before Zelensky's visit, so as not to have to deal with the most irritating bilateral issue," said Alyona Getmanchuk, director of the kyiv-based international affairs think tank New Europe Center.

It can also explain many things ... and why Zelensky became so cool last winter with the americans !!!

“Nobody is jealous of the losers, only the winners attract the jealousy and hatred of idiots. That explains who my enemies are!”
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Post by El Major »

Your constant talk about how USA wants this war and have no problems because of this war is not true but since you are a huge Putin fan and spend 99% of the timne blaming USA and Europe for a horrible war started by Putin and Russia I dont think there is much hope you will see the light yourself Pierre.

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