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Curious George
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Post by Curious George »

Hi Pierre,

The NSA has been criticized a lot by politicians, and a lot has been said about them in the news. But we should be thankful that they are doing their job.
They intercepted phone calls that the terrorists made, about plans to blow up high speed European trains. Now you can expect your countries to beef up security along the rail lines. I know that you travel a lot, and I want you to stay safe. I still remember what happened in the British subways. If they do try, I hope they are caught before they can do any damage, and are punished severely.

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The Spider
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Stop it, I do not believe all this shit, all is a big lie, all is managed by the occident to make everyone scared and focus on something else than reality, but behind in the shaddow the G8 manage the world has they want ...
I was in New York again this week and everytime I go there and watch ground zero, I still wonder how humanity can believe 2 planes can clean-up 1 km2 !!! If it was true then why the japanise kamikazes didn't erase all USA in a week ??? Even just Hawaii islands ??? No need of bomb anymore, just a 50 planes and you kill all on 25 km2.
Cheaper and easier but of course impossible ...
Those groups of terrorist exist yes, but because behind some people push them and give them all infrastructure. The simple fact Bin Laden was friend with Bush and working with CIA for many years and the way he has communicate only 3 times in 10 years should open the eyes of the world. And why attacked and kill Saddam Hussein which was laïc and against Bin Laden, if not with the intention to steal the oil ???
So yes they will probabily bombing some trains or planes but what can I do ??? This morning in Amsterdam airport I was angry they look so much on me and a man even touched my balls, I would like understand why in January when I took a plane American Airlines from Santiago Chili to Miami there was almost no control, not belt to take off, no computer out of the bag and I can keep my bottle of water in my bag. The terrorist does not have access to south emisphere ???
All this is just bullshit ....

“Nobody is jealous of the losers, only the winners attract the jealousy and hatred of idiots. That explains who my enemies are!”
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Curious George
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Post by Curious George »

Sorry if I upset you. If I meet someone and their political views are different, I stay away from that subject. I should stick to two subjects that we agree about: beautiful women and the joy of sex.

:) :) :)

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Post by makker »

Ok, this is not really the forum to discuss this, but I very much agree with Pierre. The official version of what happened at 9/11 is a lie for anyone who can think. It was used as an excuse for endless wars in the Middle East and the realisation of George Orwell's 1984. There is no privacy anymore, the NSA is out of control and it is now like the STASI on steroids. Thanks to heroes like Edward Snowden, Bradley Manning and Julian Assange we have at least an idea what is happening behind the lies governments and mainstream media are telling us. Yesterday the partner of Glenn Greenwald, the journalist who with Snowden's info uncovered the NSA scandal, was held for almost 9 hours on London's Heathrow under the pretence for terrorism. His laptop, phone, USB sticks were confiscated. This has gone too far!!!! :evil: :evil: :evil:

See this website by architects and engineers for the real story on 9/11

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Post by lomar92 »

Donc d'après ce que tu dis tout est complot ?
La moindre décision politique, la moindre intervention militaire n'est qu'une facade pour une autre réalité. (les islamistes du Mali qui voulait faire main basse sur bamako ça n'a jamais existé ? l'intervention de la france c'est pour une tout autre raison et les 4000 soldats envoyé sur place ne sont que des acteurs...)
Nous ne serions que des pantins dont les fils sont manipulés par des officines obscurantistes...
En bref, notre société n'est que mensonge et la réalité une illusion manipulé. Le film matrix à l'état pur.

Même si les complots et les manipulations ont toujours existés je crois sincèrement que trop de monde aujourd'hui sont pollués voir lobotomisés par les conneries d'internet.
Prenons l'exemple de la récente série noire d'accident de train, ni une ni deux = complot
La mort de diana = complot
tuerie d'utoya, en amérique, à toulouse = complot
mort de ben laden = complot
virus du sida = complot
le doigt dans le cul du docteur pour contrôler la prostate = complot c'était juste pour m'enculer.

Et évidemment on peut trouver un nombre incalculable de vidéo sur youtube faite par des gourou de la communication qui abreuve les manipulables d'explications tellement grossière que ça en devient très convaincant.

Il ne peut plus y avoir le moindre accident, fait divers ou autres choses qui sorte de l'ordinaire pour que de suite le simple hasard, la simple folie d'un individu déséquilibré, le simple acte de négligence.. ne soit pas mis sous le coup d'un soit disant complot.

Du coup les vrais complots sont de plus en plus difficilement décelable car submergé de faux trucs bidons présenté comme tel.

Et puis bon pour évoquer snowden et le fameux système prism franchement je ne vois pas le drame liberticide à ce que les réseaux soient surveillé.
Je dirais même heureusement pour anticiper certains actes terroristes ou fou furieux de la gachette.
D'ailleurs tous les états contrôlent les communications et les fréquences d'émissions.
Snowden en s'engageant à la NSA a un devoir de réserve, et en divulgant les méthodes de la NSA devient de fait un traitre.
Et puis concrètement nul besoin de système high tech top secret pour espionner les gens, il suffit de jeter un coup d'oeil sur facebook pour se rendre compte que c'est les gens eux-mêmes qui dévoile leur vie privé en acceptant n'importe qui comme ami et en diffusant des photos très personnels.

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Chacun peu croire ce qu'il veut, et les reseaux sociaux sont aussi des moyens simples de manipuler les gens avec leur aide en plus, quoi de plus parfait ...
Libre à toi de croire ou ne pas croire tel ou tel truc, sachant qu'effectivement il ne faut pas tomber dans l'absurde et croire toute les videos débiles qui font d'un simple accident un attentat mais il faut essayer de faire la part des choses et user son cerveau plus que ses sentiments ...

“Nobody is jealous of the losers, only the winners attract the jealousy and hatred of idiots. That explains who my enemies are!”
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Post by radioactif »

PIERRE WOODMAN wrote:Chacun peu croire ce qu'il veut, et les reseaux sociaux sont aussi des moyens simples de manipuler les gens avec leur aide en plus, quoi de plus parfait ...
Libre à toi de croire ou ne pas croire tel ou tel truc, sachant qu'effectivement il ne faut pas tomber dans l'absurde et croire toute les videos débiles qui font d'un simple accident un attentat mais il faut essayer de faire la part des choses et user son cerveau plus que ses sentiments ...

Je suis d'accord , le CERVEAU , les gens font trop appel aux sentiments !!!

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The Spider
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Mais pas la bite, ne jamais laisser sa bite penser sinon on fini comme Pierre Woodman !!!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

“Nobody is jealous of the losers, only the winners attract the jealousy and hatred of idiots. That explains who my enemies are!”
I feel 2024 will be my best year ever !!!

Curious George
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Post by Curious George »

I feel like the little kid with a blindfold swinging a stick at a Pinata and hitting a hornet's nest in the tree by mistake. Open mouth insert foot.
Never meant to start a controversy. I have always been a caring person, and always tried to help people that I care about. Whenever someone leaves the house I tell them to drive carefully. At parties, I was the designated driver. Many of my friends are alcoholics. Maybe I am overly cautious.
I had a good friend who was a vice president at a large corporation. He worked at the World Trade Center. And I remember a Christmas day not too long ago when a jet flew overhead not too far away from me, coming in for a landing, and the underwear bomber set his balls on fire. He had enough PETN in his pants to blow a hole in the side of the airplane. PETN is used by the military for detonation cord.
If I had thought about it, I would have realized that:
1. The European media is as good if not better than in the US. That warning was already broadcast in Europe.
2. Pierre is no innocent tourist.
He is a world traveler, and knows what to expect in each country. He has been in and out of trouble before. I remember reading about Indonesia and Bali. It was like reading an Earnest Hemingway novel. Exciting, but I'm glad I wasn't there.
But it is a risky business. Some years ago I discovered a very low budget porn site. It was called ace-girls. The man shot the video Gonzo style. He used college freshmen and farm girls. I think it was in Russia or the Ukraine. The only editing he did was to obscure his face. He could never get a full erection. It was almost like he was inserting a tampon by pushing on the string. He couldn't get it in. Sometimes he used the handle of a screwdriver. OW. A couple of years ago I think his luck ran out. The web site abruptly stopped and was taken down. I figure he is either in a prison cell or in a coffin.

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The Spider
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OK but what do you mean at the end with it ? That I'm right or I'm wrong ?

“Nobody is jealous of the losers, only the winners attract the jealousy and hatred of idiots. That explains who my enemies are!”
I feel 2024 will be my best year ever !!!

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