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Herpes in porn

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2022 11:13 am
by Creampie
Pierre what is your opinion on Herpes?
Kiara Lord made a recent video saying she had Herpes but people overreact about this disease?
Also Mima Cica made a big deal recently when she said she was forced to work with another famous Hungarian girl who was unprofessional because she showed up onset with an herpes (I won't say her name for now). But if models have this disease and continue to work aren't they also going to infect others in the industry?

Re: Herpes in porn

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2022 6:12 pm
Well Herpes is a shit thing we all know that !!!
I have had less than 10 times in my life on my mouth but luckily never in genital area till now ( fingers crossed )...
I got it in 1989 with a gorgeous and famous make up artist from fashion industry in my car a night in the Boulogne forest near Paris. I liked her pussy who had this infection but did not see it first because we were in the dark. Then I did my anal system and fucked her in the ass. I wanted try her pussy but she started complain her skin was burning. So I opened the car light and I saw for the first time what I had licked like an idiot without really realise I got infected too. I saw her skin was destroyed around her vagina but thought it was a simple mycose. I even continued fuck her in the ass, came in her mouth and was very happy of my evening.
Few days later I started have a pimple on my lips and have a very strange burning pain I never had before.
I went to a pharmacie and got the answer. It was herpes. I got a cream and went to a doctor to get a Zelitrex treatment.
Since that time I never got it often, even very rarely I could said. I'm far to be a "depresseed" mind and also as I fight it immediately after the first infection it looks like I am very resistant on it. I am anti "antibiotics" person and use it only when there are no other choices. Zelitrex was not something I wanted take but I remember my friend Michel Ricaud told me I should do it or I will get it everywhere. So I did and must thanks him for the advices ...

Kiara Lord is right, unfortunately some people don't have the respect to come on a set with the dick/pussy CLEAN !!!
Clean for hygiene but also clean as without any disease on it.
As 99% of the adult popualtion has herpes, it has non sens to test people for that because been in your blood doesn't mean it comes up and you are infectious for anyone. Until the yellow pimples are not out you are "clean" and not a danger for anyone.
But once it's up it's obvious you know it and feel. But anyway there are some motherfuckers ready to go work like that and yes it has to be told as Kiara or Mimi did recently.


Re: Herpes in porn

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2022 6:25 pm
by JohnWick
So Kiara has herpes and she is still in porn? So won't she infect others? Herpes is not curable I don't think.