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Have you ever been in China?

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 9:12 pm
by Booz
Hi dudes!

I have to go for professional reasons to China (Shanghai and Nanjing) and as I never travel without my dick I would like to know if some of you have some tips about this 2 cities. The best places to see, the nice museums... :)

I am very sceptical about Chinese girls but I don't want to be prisoner of my prejudice again Asian girls.


Re: Have you ever been in China?

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 10:02 pm
Booz; la Chine c'est un pays extraordinaire, très different de ce qu'on veut nous faire croire ! je peux surfer sur mes sites sans problème là-bas et les gens sont sympas !
Je ne connais pas Nanjing mais Shanghaï oui et j'en garde un merveilleux souvenir ...
Tu as pas mal de photos de notre voyage là bas pour le nouvel an 2010 !!!


Re: Have you ever been in China?

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2012 2:03 pm
PW you have been everywhere!?

Any places u would like to visit but not been yet?

Re: Have you ever been in China?

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2012 3:05 pm
by totoro
lindsay lohan maybe 8-)

Re: Have you ever been in China?

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2012 3:31 pm
Yes good idea, I like her huge boobies but I'll scared to find to much cocaïne around !!!
More seriously I want do Greenland and also the Antarctica ( Mt Erebus )
The Nepal and Tibet are a dream place I want do too and the Easter island will be probabily my next unknow destination ...


Re: Have you ever been in China?

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2012 6:09 pm
by Booz
PIERRE WOODMAN wrote:Yes good idea, I like her huge boobies but I'll scared to find to much cocaïne around !!!
More seriously I want do Greenland and also the Antarctica ( Mt Erebus )
The Nepal and Tibet are a dream place I want do too and the Easter island will be probabily my next unknow destination ...

Le mont Erebus a été le théâtre, en 1979, d'une grave catastrophe aérienne faisant 257 victimes sur le vol 901 Air New Zealand dont le but était la découverte touristique de l'Antarctique9. Les causes de l'accident seraient une erreur dans le plan de vol et une illusion d'optique provoquée par la luminosité. Wikipédia

Et pourquoi pas les jardins suspendus de Babylone (actuelle Irak) ou une visite des Les Bouddhas de Bâmiyân, enfin ce qui en reste. Quand on aime le danger on ne compte pas.

Re: Have you ever been in China?

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2012 9:26 pm
C'est vrai ! le danger fait partie intégrante de ma vie presque 24/24 entre les maladies et ceux qui veulent ma peau dans presque tous les pays du globe, alors qu'est ce à dire de risquer de la perdre pour quelque chose d'aussi beau que le mont Erebus :

Re: Have you ever been in China?

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2016 10:12 am
by breizh.piston
bonjour Pierre

vous avez réalisé des milliers de vidéos
impossible pour moi de toutes les voir

Mais je m'interrogeais
pourquoi ne pas faire une petite visite en chine ?

Je vous conseille immédiatement la ville de Chengdu, où l'on trouve les plus belles filles de Chine.
Les filles sont épicées, comme la cuisine de cette ville
Les plus belles paires de jambes, et des petits culs bien serrés :D

Bonne continuation ;)

Re: Have you ever been in China?

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2016 8:26 pm
J'ai d'autres ambitions que finir comme ça :

Re: Have you ever been in China?

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2016 9:18 pm
by Curious George
This picture reminds me of a story.

A stupid American teenager was a visitor in Sinapore. They are very strict there. He got caught spray painting graffiti on a wall. In America, he would get probation. But there, he was sentenced to a spanking, actually a caning. It is very embarrassing for a teenaged boy to be treated as a child. That is exactly the purpose of the punishment. He got his parents to use their lawyers to protest in court, and it made headlines everywhere.

Personnaly, I think that what the inmates can do to a soft teenage ass is a lot worse than a spanking. After getting back to America, he started sniffing the spray can paint fumes, and rotted out his brain. :(