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Re: Horror in Paris / Horreur à Paris. Nov 13. 2015

Post by juancarlos »


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Re: Horror in Paris / Horreur à Paris. Nov 13. 2015


“Nobody is jealous of the losers, only the winners attract the jealousy and hatred of idiots. That explains who my enemies are!”
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Re: Horror in Paris / Horreur à Paris. Nov 13. 2015

Post by kristof »

It is a pity to read all that xenophobia! I can't say I have muslims friends or even colleagues and I think we should change our immigration politic but some posts in this topic are really despicable.

After the 2004 Madrid train bombings and 2005 London bombings, didn't Mr Holland knew what kind of risks his country would face when he decided to launch air strikes against Daesh?

Why does France has to be part of that conflict? is it for humanitarian reasons? if so, why doesn't France launch air strikes on North Korea? over there, millions of people are dying from starvation, they develop nuclear weapons and they exchange nuclear knowledge. Or maybe it is rather for economic interests?
Does the French people want that 'war'? 'Votre guerre, nos morts' can we read in diverse French newspapers.

Frontiers of Syria and Irak have been decided by British and French colonists (cfr Sykes-Picot agreement) without any consideration of local people's identity. Those frontiers have been maintained by dictatorship. Now that Syria and Irak are unstable Sunni muslims would like to gather and create a state that looks like very much to Saudia Arabia. But Europe and USA refuse it.

USA spent nine years in Irak and according to Stiglitz's book it costed about 3 Trillions dollar, and for what US/civil casualties and results? ...

In my opinion, we should let the muslims fight between themselves and let them live their middle-age.

After all, Saudi Arabia is the ally of the USA and Qatar has bought the PSG and is going to organize the 2022 world cup.

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Re: Horror in Paris / Horreur à Paris. Nov 13. 2015

Post by HNIC »

Great post Kristof.

I love this forum and PW is a cool guy but a lot of this anti-Muslim xenophobia and racism from some posters makes me sad.

ISIS don't represent even 0.1% of Muslims so why hate all Muslims? That's like hating all Norwegians because of Brevik or hating all Christians because of the Nazis or hating all Irish people because of the IRA...

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Re: Horror in Paris / Horreur à Paris. Nov 13. 2015


You're right but sadly the xenophobia feeling grows up because the good Muslims don't do enough to fight against the extremist.
I think if all Muslim with a good heart wanted help to eradicated the problem, it will be fast terminated, but for instance when I was in Champs Elysees eating with my daughter and my wife few years ago and after a football match between Algeria and Egypt I have seen THE WAR at few meters from us with thousand and thousand of muslims burning all around and been obliged to be escorted by 20 policeman to get out from this hell and take my car in parking for escape, I had not really the feeling that day the muslims was so much cool in France !!!
And I have seen a lot of things in the last 40 years ...

“Nobody is jealous of the losers, only the winners attract the jealousy and hatred of idiots. That explains who my enemies are!”
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Re: Horror in Paris / Horreur à Paris. Nov 13. 2015

Post by lomar92 »

Français dans l'émotion mais consommateur le restant de l'année.

Ce qui me fait honte dans toute cette histoire c'est au final ces Français qui d'un coup se découvre un patriotisme qu'ils n'ont pas en eux, pleurnichant devant des mausolées improvisés en tentant d'élider la réalité des vrais problèmes.

Cette populace de nouveaux patriotes légitime et s'approprient comme par magie le drapeau français et la marseillaise alors qu'ils gerbaient ces symboles peu de temps avant sous prétexte que c'était la marque des Facho.

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Re: Horror in Paris / Horreur à Paris. Nov 13. 2015

Post by pasqualie1980 »

automatic gunfire and explosions reported in saint denis. 1 police man wounded in a raid.

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Re: Horror in Paris / Horreur à Paris. Nov 13. 2015

Post by pasqualie1980 »

what it is, is a group of wealthy elite have paid off a few politicians of influence like merkel to allow refugee and migrants into europe, to start directly or indirectly take down traditional european society values and traditions as well as identity.

It is part of the new world order for it to succeed, populations must not identify with countries.

just as in america the elite under the guise of noble intention support and fund womens rights. which is noble in concept of equal jobs and pay for women.

but the intention was not based on nobility, but on greed to tax the other half of population, as well as have kids put in school earlier so they can indoctrinate them, so they do not see parents as family but state as family. so was for tax money and to break up the family unit.

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Re: Horror in Paris / Horreur à Paris. Nov 13. 2015

Post by pasqualie1980 »

ninrode your comment about God punishing France is just various religions including christianity and islam twisting the concept of a supernatural entity with the flaws of human kind.

if God exists i assume the first to burn are the all the religious leaders for corrupting humanity with lies and hate and anger.

Its to promote victimization and separation. it separate you from your true self, from other people and from god. Its why religion promote the middle man and the external deity that will come to save humans, to promote victimization and low self worth, so they can be controlled by fear.

what you see happening in france is just fucked up brain washed people who lost hope, and were told they can do fucked up things so the religious concept of God they worship will love them. So they will feel significant. Even if its acts of chaos and insanity. It has nothing to do with God. Just human nature in its most vile and corrupt form.

If they commit a sin, it is one which many on earth commit. Although they commit it in an extreme form. The greatest sin is projecting your own pain on other human beings. By doing this you traumatize other human being, and spread this disease through humanity where many walk around doing this from small degree to large degree without realizing it.

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