I've seen someone mentioned her in an other thread but you didn't answered.. http://www.eurobabeindex.com/sbandoindex/zuzanaz.html
She did at least one scene for you, I always thought she was gorgeous, and I wonder if you had anything else to show.
I know she was more in G-G action since she was with her boyfriend, even if she did B-G (anal also) before that.
I've heard she is single again, mabe that is time to give her a call...
Maybe but her caracter is terrible ! She has been playing badly with me. But you're right I'll see what is the situation with her actually...
"For 16 years WCX is a fortress resisting the changes of the internet and the hatred of morons.Thanks to the fans having always supported me but also those discovering me today. It's together that we will go the furthest !!!"
J'ouvre ce topic pour demander à tout le monde ( déja plus de 150 en une semaine et 67 juste la journée d'hier ), de stopper les requètes à propos de Zuzana Z.
Oui elle est revenue dans le métier, oui elle a bossé avec moi et oui ce sera diffusé ici mais la date je l'ignore donc inutile de me harceler avec ça ! Merci !
I open this topic to ask anyone ( already over 150 in just one week and 67 yesterday ) to stop queries about Zuzana Z.
Yes she is back in business, yes she worked with me and yes it will be released here but I don't know the date so, no need to harass me with that ! Thank you !
"For 16 years WCX is a fortress resisting the changes of the internet and the hatred of morons.Thanks to the fans having always supported me but also those discovering me today. It's together that we will go the furthest !!!"
Picking up mushrooms with red head ?
No it's too early...
"For 16 years WCX is a fortress resisting the changes of the internet and the hatred of morons.Thanks to the fans having always supported me but also those discovering me today. It's together that we will go the furthest !!!"
"For 16 years WCX is a fortress resisting the changes of the internet and the hatred of morons.Thanks to the fans having always supported me but also those discovering me today. It's together that we will go the furthest !!!"